Public Enemy Number One

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Steve made it to the hospital where Nick was at, he spotted all the police cars along with some Agents that was guarding the building. Steve walked in with Ramona, the front dest clerk stopped him saying that Ramona wasn't allowed inside the hospital. Steve showed Ramona badge, "She's an agent, she's authorize to be here." Steve said continuing onwards to Nick surgery room. Steve was watching the doctors doing surgery on Nick when Natasha come busting through the door followed by Hill, Ramona sniff Natasha staying by Steve feet. "What happen." Natasha said looking on in disbelief that someone really was trying to kill Nick. No one answer just watching as Nick was crashing on the table. Ramona was looking at the other Agents that came through the door, growling at them when one got to close, the Agents looked to the dog sending her a glare but staying far away. The doctors called Nick death, sending the Agents a look of practice sympathy. Natasha and Hill walked out the room, Steve and Ramona following close behind. Steve and Natasha went into the room that held Nick body, Steve stayed close to the door with Ramona who was sitting looking out the doorway watching the people walking by. 

Natasha was looking at Nick body with so much sadness and was actually crying. Steve gave her space, Hill walked next to Steve crying herself, "She need you" Hill said wanting Natasha to have some comfort. Steve walked over to Natasha trying to find something to say, deciding that staying quiet was probably something Natasha wanted. Ramona stayed next to Hill, smelling the salty tears that was gathering in her eyes. Next thing everyone knew Natasha stormed out of the room ready for answers, Steve followed after her with Ramona close behind. "Natasha" Steve stated, Natasha turned asking Steve questions about Nick purpose of being in his apartment. Rumlow came intruding on the conversation, "Pierce want to speak with you" Rumlow commanded, "I'll be there soon." Steve said, "No Now" Rumlow said giving Steve a stern look, Ramona growled at the man that was raising his voice his posture was also threatening. Rumlow looked down at her with his own glare, Ramona then stood up ready to show this man up. Steve quickly grab her collar, "I'll be there." Steve said then looking back to Natasha who was watching everything that was happening, "You still don't trust me." Natasha said walking away. Steve remember that he had the drive in his pocket, he looked around trying to get rid of it before meeting Pierce. He spotted the snake machine wide open thanks to the vendor, and decided to put the chip behind the bubble gum for safe keeping. "Let's go girl." Steve said keeping a tight grip on her collar. 

Steve changed into his Captain America suit, feeling like it was appropriate when meeting the top guy in charge. "Leave that mutt here, Pierce don't like animals much." Rumlow said to Steve. Steve was confuse as to why all of a sudden Ramona had to stay outside the building, he didn't feel like arguing knowing that Shields had a few rats in it. Steve walked Ramona near a shady area, he falsely tied her up and loosing her collar for easy escape, Steve also gave her a secret signal for staying alert, "I'll be back as soon as I can girl, stay alert." Steve said with a small secret smile of his own. Ramona watch as Steve followed the Strike Team into the building ready for action when it hit.

Ramona didn't have to wait long, she was hearing the alarms going off inside the building, a few people that was close the building heard it to but continue on their marry way. Ramona stood up pulling the leash away from the pole that she was tied to and began to run around the building, she wasn't for sure where Steve was but she still smelled his scent, when Ramona made her way in the back of the building she heard glass brake before spotting a figure falling out the window. Ramona ran away from the falling figure when it hit the ground with an earth shattering  ringing thanks to his shield. Steve let out a sound of pain when he felt a wet tongue coming across his face, Steve raise his arm giving Ramona a pet. "Hurry girl, we have to get out of here." Steve said grabbing her leash taking it off of her and running to the garage where his bike was. Ramona followed behind ever so faithful, staying close to him, Steve jump on his bike, Ramona following close behind hoping behind him in flawless practice. Steve was noticing that the guard spikes was rising trying to trap them in the building, that didn't work out very well. "Captain Rogers, stand down, stand down." The pilot that was flying the jet said that made it's way in front of Steve. Steve knew what he had to do, "Ramona off!" Steve commanded with the bike still going full speed, Ramona jumped off the bike quickly running toward the jet, the jet started shooting at her and Steve. Steve took down the jet with flawless persuasion, both him and Ramona ran at full speed away from Shields building towards the hospital where the chip was hopefully still safe. 

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