Awkward Introductions.

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Everly's P.O.V.

It's been a couple of weeks since Lacey killed her dad. She seems to be finally able to move on, and live their own life. Today Negan and I are taking her to Alexandria. 

I know living there will be good for her. She can raise her daughter with other families and maybe get with Justin. I just have this feeling he will like her. She can give him what he wants, a family.

Also, Chelsea is still wanting her horse. The snow has been coming down heavier lately, so this more is our last chance before we are snowed in for winter. 

I quickly zip up my jacket then make my way down the long hallway. I smile at a few people before entering the freezing air. White flakes dance in the air above me, as I walk over to the truck. Negan is loading Lacey's luggage for her as she struggles to get inside the vehicle.

" Do you need me to help?" I ask softly.

Lacey shakes her head, attempting to lift herself up, so she can climb inside. After one more missed attempt, she finally accepts help. Negan helps her in, then goes to start the truck.

I hurry inside the vehicle, to escape the icy air. I slam the door shut, before buckling myself in. We drive in silence down the white roads, not bothering to make small talk.

I keep my eyes on the road,  as we make our way to Alexandria. I hope my idea works, and Justin winds up liking Lacey. I just have this feeling they will  hit it off, and I hope I am right.

Either way, I hope Rick and his people take her in. She has been through hell, and really needs a fresh start for herself, and for  the baby.  A throat clearing tears me away from my thoughts, allowing me to focus on Negan.

" Do you think Rick has enough supplies for this blizzard that's coming? Concern laced in his voice.

" I hope so, but if they don't, I am sure we could all help each other. It's not like we don't have plenty. "

" We can, but not too much. We have our own people to think about, and we don't know how long this snow storm will last. It could be weeks before we are able to get more supplies."

" I know, but it's not just about us, we all have to band together. It's not just us or them, its all of us. We can't survive if we don't work together." I reason, hoping he will see my point.

"I agree, but we our people come first. I have to make sure you and Chelsea, and our future baby, have all they need. My family comes first, secondly  our people, then others."

" Okay, I understand, but I still want to make sure they are prepared. If they aren't, we are helping them Negan. Those people took care of me before I met you. I can't forget that."

Negan bites his lower lip, as a look of regret washes over his face. He knows how hard it was when I was alone and had to try to take care of my child without any help.

" Your right, I am just concerned. I have no idea if we have enough ourselves, and It scares me. We have enough supplies for a couple of months, but we won't know if that will be enough. Considering how early winter is coming, it could be  close to three or four months we are stuck inside."

"I guess we should keep sending teams out until it's unsafe to navigate the snow. If we keep storing food, we will be fine. And I am sure if we all share our resources, we can all make it through with enough supplies."

My husband's tanned fingers  glide down his long face, as he lets out a heavy sigh.  Lacey's eyes bounce between us both, unsure of what the outcome of our discussion will be.

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