Just Some Disclaimers-

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–before we get started!

1) All the characters' names will remain the same, since giving them new names will be more confusing.

2) Quirks are NOT real in their world off-screen, so talk of special effects will come up.

3) I hugely ship TodoDeku, along with KiriBaku and many others, so I'll leave gayness warnings at the top of chapters that contain romance (no smut tho, I'm crap at writing that stuff -o-)

4) SOME CHARACTERS WILL HAVE TWO PEOPLE PLAYING THEM.  Izuku's "child" persona at the beginning of the series will be given a whole different character (if I even write a full chapter about him), since that's what producers normally do with younger versions of characters.  Same goes for both All Might and Inko– there will be a whole other person for All Might's muscled form and Inko's younger form.

5) Okay, so #1 is a bit of a lie because characters like Bakugou's mom will have different last names just because I doubt a real mother-son duo would be cast. For the sake of these fics just pretend that Bakugou's real mom can't act or somethin' and the studio got a really good look-alike to stand in.

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