6/21/2016 last day of summer

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Betty's pov-

Today's the last day of summer Archie has been gone the whole time he said he wanted to reconnect with his mom. I don't blame him sense his mom made the decision to go to Chicago because of work its been really hard on him, it's been many nights just talking about his mom.  I didn't really know what to do so I mostly just hung out with Kevin and talked about boys (mostly for him tho). I'm going to pops cause arch is coming back today,
I was early of coarse so I ordered our usual vanilla milkshake for me and chocolate milkshake for arch and a basket of fries, just as pop walked over  with our food the bell rings and I see Archie. I stare at him for a second he gives me a weird face so I just ignore the look and act like I didn't see it. I went over to him and hugged him so tight I'm my opinion but obviously it didn't hurt him because over the summer he has gotten 5 times stronger. Then it was his turn to hug tight I couldn't breathe nothing came out he got the hint, he set me down I was laughing a little but he didn't so I just stoped. I was expecting a sly comment like "yea your drowning in strength" but he didn't so of course me being the good friend I asked "are you ok" he did answer automatically. He thought for 10 seconds and then he said " yeah it's just my mom she told me she's dating someone. I was really confused but I guess my mom and my dad didn't tell me that they were getting divorced." I don't know what to do so I just drink my milkshake in silence for a while I could tell you're staring at me though. For some reason really awkward. The bell rang which single that somebody was coming into the store I looked up and saw a raven haired girl she was wearing a black dress high heels fancy jewelry and I'm never seen it before. Suddenly she just walked over To us. do you make conversation she said " i'm new here how are that onion rings?" Archie said " good... by the way I'm Archie" " oh and I'm Betty" are you pop say "your food is done Miss lodge" she said "thank you" She turned back to us and said " i'm Veronica" then it click " oh aren't I giving you your tour around school tomorrow" " oh yeah your Betty Cooper" " yeah that's me" just as she was about to walk out pops Archie yelled "welcome to Riverdale"

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