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Betty's POV-

I woke up to and Archie scared I felt my chest tightening and I could breath arch helped me we were just staring into each other's eyes and he kept looking at my lips so I leaned in and picked me up so I was now on his lap. Oh sweet lord baby Jesus is this actually happening. Then it happened. We kissed each other it was soft but passionate my heart flutter and in a moment i knew i would love this man forever inn n pull away and start cleaning myself up i don't really know if this was a good idea me and arch are such good groans i think i just ruined everything i can see he looking at me in the corner of my eye and i can't tell if he's confused or relieved so i just walk back to my house

Archies  pov

i don't really know what happened everything just kinda happened so fast the first thing i know betty is having a panic attack then the next thing me and betty are making out. I know i really really like betty but veronica alright took my v-card so i'm like owe something to her and i just don't want to drag betty along after that she just gets off of me and i'm so confused because we had a connection and know she's leaving i don't know who to talk to other that jug but i know he has a crush on her even tho he didn't tell me i see the way he looks at her and i don't want to make things weirder after he moved to the south side we don't talk and i don't just our first real conversation to be about someone we both like

betty's pov

i get inside my house and i almost bust out crying mabye it was a bad idea to just walk out on his i don't know i have no one to talk to other than kev but he's probably busy with sheriff stuff helping his dad i look over at archies room and see him beating the living shat out of the punching bag and i just think of how i did that to him so i close the blinds lay down and cry myself to sleep

i know how my post r spread out but i don't know what else to do bc i'm not that interested all the time in writing but then i get these weird spurts to do them

but merry christmas and a happy new year
yOu FiLtHy AnImL
it's 1:30 am here so peace


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