Advanced Head-canons with Viktor Strobonski

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1. Baldi's player, Protagonist, used to go here, but Our ACTUAL Player goes here, exchange student program.

2. HeadTeacher is very protective over her son/daughter, Our Player, and whenever they are at Viktor's, everything looks better, happy people.

3. At Viktors, they call their player 'Protagonist'

4. HeadTeacher has quite the dirty mouth, often her son tells her to put a quarter in the 'No Swear' sock, so HeadTeacher has that as a secret weapon.

5. Phonty prefers some music over others.

6. Phonty has indeed worn little boots in his "evil form" when it is cold so his(?) software doesn't freeze up.

7. Gregory has a cult dedicated to himself.

8. Viktor, HeadTeacher, Marzia, and possibly even Player(?) are Pollymorphs, hence why Baldi has only met 5, Baldi doesn't know about Player's true form.

9. Masks are worn by Teachers so that their body can regenerate, thats a fact, hence why My Player has a mask. The teachers with masks are Polymorphs.

10. Mr. Mix had a wife, she fell in a batch of Chocolate Muffins and was never seen again.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2019 ⏰

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