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hey guys. i know i post a lot of stuff on here that isn't actual chapters, and i haven't posted a chapter in forever, and i'm so sorry, the last few months have been a lot, for many reasons. i want to write again and i say i'm gonna start updating again and i don't and i feel bad about it. but right now, something is happening and i've already received so many opinions from at least two dozen people but i'm still so anxious and i just want more opinions because it's really stressing me out. if you don't want to leave a comment with your opinion, or you don't even want to read this at all because it's not what you added this book to your library for, i 100000% understand, but i want to post this here.

so, i have a borderline stalker.

it all started on march 7th, 2019. i stayed after school for a club meeting, which by the way got cancelled, and i was pissed because the buses were long gone, but that's not the point. i was walking down the hall and this guy approached me. we'll call him jack. so jack said, "hey, i've seen you in around and i recognized you and i just wanted to say hi." i knew who he was, i remembered him from a class in like 8th grade, and we're juniors now, so it's literally been years, and i said, "oh yeah, i remember you from middle school." and that was it. i thought it was kinda weird, but i didn't think too much of it, and i forgot about it.

some time went by, and i forgot about the exchange. one day, maybe a week later?? i was walking down the hall in the morning before first period and he saw me and came up to me and said hi and we talked for a second and that was it. this happened a few more times in the morning, which was fine.

then, the friday before spring break (just a few weeks ago), he came up to me in the morning again and asked for my number. i'm not gonna lie, even though he seemed nice and at the time harmless, i didn't wanna give him my number, like at all. i didn't feel like he was hitting on me, and i'm allowed to have friends, but it did seem like it could go in a direction i didn't want it to go, (and it did eventually, but we'll get to that) and he was kinda weird, and i'm gay, and i was currently talking to a girl. but, i'm absolute shit at saying no to people, so i gave him my number.

later that same day, he was already texting me. he asked which lunch period i have, and later texted asking if i could talk. i didn't start answering his texts until saturday, and i felt bad at the time, but now i don't give half a shit. but anyways, we texted for a few days, and i really didn't want to, but i made myself reply. if i took too long to reply (like 15 minutes max), he'd ask what i was doing. i was like uhh, okay, it's not really your business, but didn't say anything. he asked if he could call me, and i was like SHIT! i didn't wanna talk to him on the phone! i tried to get out of it, i pulled the most bullshit excuse out of my ass and said my mom was taking a nap in the same room next to me. i said maybe later, and he asked if we could talk at 9pm, and i was like fine, whatever. i can handle one hopefully quick phone call.

so at EXACTLY 9PM, he called me, and i was irritated because i was hoping he'd forget, but of course he didn't, he was completely ready at exactly 9pm. so, i went down to the garage because i didn't want anyone to hear me talking to him because i didn't want my mom to think i had a boyfriend or something, i'm literally a lesbian and i didn't want to talk to him at all. we talked for like 20 minutes, and he asked if we could hang out sometime. i didn't want to, but i said okay maybe we could, but i didn't plan on ever trying to plan something. i also found out that his brother is a super close friend of the girl i was kind of talking to, who he didn't know about, as far as i know, but this is kind of important for later. we'll call his brother sam and the girl i was talking to lexi. just remember sam and lexi, they're gonna come up again.

so we kept texting, and jack was pretty nosy, and it was kind of annoying. if i didn't answer a text he'd push to know what i was doing instead of texting him and i HIGHKEY wanted to tell him to shut the fuck up but i didn't. so on the tuesday of spring break, he asked to facetime, and I DID N O T WANT TO FACETIME HIM!!!! i'm so bad at telling people no. even though i didn't want to, i did. smh. i hate myself. so we got on facetime, and at one point, he asked if i had a boyfriend, and i said i was talking to someone, but i didn't say it was a girl. he asked if it was "the guy with the glasses," and i didn't know who the guy with the glasses was, so i said no, obviously. then he asked if it was him and i LITERALLY CHOKED!!! i said no so fast. i couldn't figure out who the guy with the glasses was because i don't have any male friends who wear glasses, then it hit me yesterday that it's him, and i was nearly gagging.

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