Widowmaker x Depressed!Reader

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Trigger Warning ⚠️

You would sit by the balcony every night and wait for your knight in shining armour to arrive. You would spend the early hours of the morning sat outside with a blanket covering your frail body and wait for her to arrive.

A scuff of feet followed by a light grunt caught your attention. As your eyes narrowed over to your right, your hero appeared quicker than you imagined. A smile crept its way onto your lips as the infamous Widowmaker took a seat next to you on the balcony. She set her weapon down to the side and crossed her legs, her eyes burning into your orbs.


You muttered as your voice cracked quietly, your raspy voice caught her attention straight away. She pressed her lips together and very slowly took your cold, pale, hand into hers. Your chapped lips curved into a delighted smile as you edged your chair closer to hers.

"Y/n.. you're cold." You shook your head and tightened your grip onto Amélie's hand, fretting that she would let go and the warmth would disappear.

"I'm okay." Were the words you managed to push out. Your tired eyes slowly blinked.

Without warning Amélie's free hand pushed the fluffy blanket from hiding your arm. Her gentle thumb slowly traced over the scabbed cuts that you had caused with a blade. She narrowed her eyes and sighed lightly, lifting up her head to meet your tired gaze.

The sniper lifted your arm up to her lips and began to kiss every individual cut that lay in your pale arm. You blushed lightly in the face and hid half of your face into your blanket, your eyes shut tightly. Amélie continued to kiss the remaining cuts on your arm sweetly. You pulled your arm away and hid it in the blanket again. The French woman let you, her dark eyes scanned your face gently, "You are not weak, Y/n. I've seen you in school, you fight so hard to keep your composure." Your ears perked up at her words.

She knew that you were getting bullied in school? How did she find out about this.

You sit up in your chair straight with eyes wide, "How..?" Amélie smiled softly, "Y/n, I am a trained sniper ,as you know, I take careful actions when my objective is clear."

Was Amélie stalking you?

Thought after thought ran through your mind endlessly, you sat back in the chair and cuddled into your blanket, "But what is so special about me?" You spike up quietly, the soft breeze making your hair dance. Amélie went quiet for a little while, she averted her gaze from yours and chewed the inside of her cheek.

"I'm not stalking you, incase you were wondering, I'm just keeping an eye out on you. And.. Y/n.. I.." Amélie stumbled on her words, she was flustered because she did indeed have some sort of deep feelings for you.

You stared at the French woman quietly, you needed to know what she meant to say to you. Clearly Amélie was holding back on her words. She had explained to you that being an assassin meant more than just pulling the trigger on her targets. It meant so much more than calling it a mission accomplished after you take the kill for yourself. Amélie explained it all to you, she witnessed no feelings, everything to her was different in a certain way. Feelings have never been more evident to the sniper. All that you knew, is that Amélie only lets her feelings run free the moment of the kill.

"Y/n.. my feelings for someone has never been this strong since my husband."

You listened carefully to her, your heart taking in everything that Amélie said. A smile tugged at your lips strongly, you watched her stumble over her words before placing your hand onto hers. She quit her babbling and looked up at you slowly, a glint in her eyes.

"Amélie. I love you too." You smiled brightly, it was the first time for a while that you actually smiled and meant it. The French sniper blushed and parted her lips slightly. She reached up slowly and ran a gentle hand through your messy hair. You shut your eyes in bliss just from her touch.

Time passed by as the silence between you two stayed for awhile. Amélie's hand stayed rested on your cheek. More time passed and you fell asleep with your head rested in Amélie's palm. You drooled very lightly into her glove and she couldn't help but smile warmly at you. She rose from the seat and lifted you into her arms, carrying you into the bedroom. She wrapped you firmly into your blanket and gently rested you down onto the pillow. Amélie observed your sleeping form and turned back to the balcony, shutting the glass door behind her.

You opened your eyes slowly and watched the sniper grapple off onto another building, disappearing from your view. You smiled and snuggled down into your blanket, falling asleep minutes after.

Part Two?

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