Brigitte x Reader ~ Details

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     Requested by: @x5cents

   You had sat there for hours on end, every now and then you would shift to buy a pint of beer or just a glass of coke. Your lonesome time of being dormant in the pub was quite the normal thing now. Your passion for writing and sketching seemed to grow the moment an auburn angel strutted through the doors.

   Love at first sight? That could simply be the case.

   You let your imagination and hands do the work, your fingers wrapped around a sharp pencil that would trace every detail of the Swedish young woman. Gorgeous couldn't even describe her beauty to you. She was a pleasure to sketch, every single detail, every little flaw and every crevice of her skin is what you guaranteed would be on the piece of paper before you. There wasn't just one drawing, there were more than one of her. Mostly you would just sketch her perfect porcelain and add every detail, from her nose to her lips and to her beautiful auburn hair.

   It was sad honestly, she had no idea that you existed despite the fact you were only a few yards across the pub from her. Almost every Friday and Saturday night she would venture into the the pub with two older men. One was much shorter than her and the other was only just a few inches from his head touching the ceiling. All three shared great laughs together, the girl seemed to buy them each pints of beer. The drinks were always on her.

   Your hand trailed down the paper slowly, your fingers wrapped around the sharp pencil as you confidently sketched out the young woman yards across the room. Your smile stuck upon your lips like an infection that cease to exist and your face displayed pure happiness.

   A loud roar of laughter erupted from the broad male across the room. Your eyes slowly trailed up from your table and towards the three ahead of you. You smiled very lightly beneath your fist that supported your chin and went back to your important sketch. The auburn female beamed a great smile before glancing over to you in the corner of the bar. Her gaze softened and she examined you closely. How innocent you looked, how timid you were. She couldn't help but stare at you with her doughy eyes.

   Slowly, you looked back up to the woman only to see that she was returning the same expression towards you. You went red in the face and let your pencil fall flat onto the table. She giggled softly, an inaudible sound from the amount of noise in the pub all together.

  You frantically gathered all of your things and stuffed everything into your bag. You got up from the table and raced for the door.

  The auburn female watched with her lips slightly ajar. The urge to follow you was extremely strong but she held herself back considering she was a complete stranger to you. She sighed in disappointment and turned back to her family members. The memory of you making a run for the door replaying through her mind over and over again.
  The next couple of Friday's, you were silently making your way down to the pub yet again. It took a few weeks for you to encourage yourself to return back to the pub after the episode. Considering you had never felt like this towards someone, the feeling was overwhelming and you were terrified that you had ruined it for you both. Would this feeling come only once in a life time? Who knows.

  "Just a coke, please."

  The bartender nodded as you placed down your money onto the table. You held your drawings close to your chest as you scanned about the pub frantically in search for the girl of your dreams. It disappointed you that she wasn't there but at the same time relief couldn't help but wash over you. Would she even remember you? Who knows.

  Whilst scanning about for her, you turned around rather quickly and crashed into someone, your drawings fluttering to the floor before you hitting the floor also.

  "Ow! I'm s..sorry!"

  With closed eyes, you apologised in fear.

  "Hey! It's okay!"

  You trembled and slowly opened your eyes to be met with gorgeous brown ones. That perfectly freckled skin and that silky auburn hair.

  Your face flushed a deep red and you stared at her with wide eyes.

  She noticed your drawings spluttered about on the floor and bent down to pick them up. Whilst doing so, she examined each one she picked up. You noticed her change of expression and suddenly squeaked in embarrassment once you finally realised what she was doing and what you had dropped.

  "Wow.. you drawing is absolutely amazing.. you got everything on point.. every single detail too, that's amazing."

  It wasn't the reply that you were expecting from her, you were expecting her to laugh and call you a creep or something. You blushed and got onto your knees, staring up at her in shock.

  " like them?"

  She nodded in delight and placed them onto a nearby chair, she then took your hands in hers and helped you up. Her strength was shocking, who knew someone a delicate looking as her could be so strong.

  "I'm Brigitte, and you?"

  You smiled and squeezed her hands, "I'm Y/n."

  Brigitte let go of your hands slowly, "Fancy a drink? It's on me."

  You glanced over to your coke sat lonely on the counter and nodded with a smile.

  "Of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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