Wolfychu Inflation

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Remember this is her character not her IRL

Wolfychu was sitting back on her computer with a pen in her mouth.
"I wonder what i should post...i havnt done anything in a while"
She was looking through things to do and went through old videos.
She found a hate comment that read "You are too skinny and have a flat chest,ugly"
She got mad and jealous and decided what she would do.
This would give more viewers she thought.
She hooked up a hose and put it in her mouth.She turned it up,pouring water into her belly and breasts.
She was swelling up too slow she thought.She turned up the hose.
Her belly was as big as a basketball and her breast were like balloons ready to pop.
She thought she was big enough and tried to turn the hose off,but ended up breaking it.
She was blushing and getting worried.She tried to spit the hose out but it was stuck,and her massive belly and breasts blocked her way.
Water was flowing super fast now.Her button on her pants flew off and her shirt started to rip,and then her bra flew straight off.
Her nipples and breasts were showing.It felt so good to her.She started moaning louder and louder as her belly was filling up the size of a blimp and her breasts like a whale.
She started to lactate and her shirt ripped right off,same with her pants.
She started moaning even louder as she was beginning to become tight.
She looked at her tits and saw them milk.She finally got the hose out but wasnt done.She wanted to feel more.
She got her tit and started sucking on it,bringing her milk out to her belly.She moaned and moaned until she passed out from pleasure.
She woke up to find she was still that way.Her breasts bigger than her house and her belly bigger than anything shes seen before.
She then started moaning again...

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