Chapter 1

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“Who the fuck calls at 3 in the morning?” I groan and take my phone of my nightstand. I slide it over to answer the call.

Hi, my name is Audrina. Audrina Haven, if you want to know my last name. I am 23 years old and I live in the city New York. My hometown. I’ve grown up here, ever since I was born, with my two lovely parents. I just call them mom and dad. For now I live alone. I live in an old apartment in the busier area of New York City. I am currently unemployed, but I’m searching for a job as a hairstylist. Like you can see I hate getting up early or being awaken from a good deep sleep.

“Hello?” My voice is croaky due the lack of sleep.

“Audrie?! It’s me Lou!”

“Lou who?”

“Oh my god, did I wake you?” I look over at my clock.

“Yeah it’s like 3 in the morning?”

“Oh sorry it’s like in the afternoon here so..” Typical Lou. She would call me any time of the night. We are friends since we both went to beauty school down in L.A. We both studied there for 2 years and after that we were hairdressers. The difference is because of her perky and quirky personality she got chosen to be a famous hairstylist.

“Yeah, what do you need, babe?” I sit up and pet my dogs head. He snores a bit. I hear her ruffling through some sheets.

“Love, you know I work for One Direction right?” I nod. I know after school she went to do famous peoples hair but lately she’s been touring with that boy band and doing their hair.

“Yeah? Why is this so fucking important this early in the morning?”

“Aud, language.” I make a stupid face. “And don’t do that face.” I stop and look around.

“You see me?” I check under my bed.

“No, I just know you silly. Well, I will let you sleep and call you tomorrow. Bye” And she hangs up. I stare at my black screen on the phone. Really? I throw my phone at the end of my bed and turn around under the big sheet and fall back asleep.


I let the water pour over me and rest my back against the cold wall of my shower. I woke up an hour ago and can’t fall back to sleep. I take my orange-smelling shower gel and let the foam caress my whole body. Just when I put shampoo in my hair I hear my phone ringing. I will get it later. I let it ring and massage my hair and head so the shampoo can do his work. I hear my phone again. I wash out my hair as fast as I can and run to my bed.

“Where is the damn phone!?” I lift up my sheets and can’t find him. The ringing has stopped. I give up and run back to the bathroom to dry myself up. I hear my phone for the third time and search for it like Usain Bolt is running his last seconds. I find it and pick up.

“Hello!” I yell in the phone.

“Not a morning person, I see?” It’s Lou. Ugh she can be so annoying sometimes.

“Nope, not really. Now tell me. Why are you calling me like my house is on fire?” I hear her giggle. I roll my eyes.

“Yeah so like I said I work for that band One Direction right?” I nod and I realize she can’t see me.


“Well we’ve been touring around the world and we are coming to the U.S.A. Our first stop is New York.” I live in New York.

“I live in New York.”

“Yeah I know. Are you still a hairstylist?” I nod, doing it again.

“Lou! Get to the point?” I start to get inpatient with all her questions.

“Well I was wondering if you could come help me out with the boys. About their hair. There are 5 of them and I always have to hush through it and with Lux running around. It’s all so much for me and I can’t handle that stress. You know that.” I sigh. It would be a great opportunity ‘cause I can’t find a job. I do my neighbours hair and all that but..

“I’ll do it.” I need the money if I want to keep living in my apartment. And have food for me and Marcel and Leroy’s food. I stand in front of my closet naked and look for something to wear for the day.

“You will? Okay we’ll be in our hotel around tomorrow 3 p.m. You can come an hour later or so? Just to sign the contract and meet the boys and all that. Is that okay?” I take a top and hold it in front of me.

“Fine, see you then babe!” I hang up. Okay, I will be working for One Direction. I think I’m going to do some research on the boys. I smile and pick a pink tank top and a blue jeans. I wear my air max’es and take the leash for Marcel.

“Come ‘on boy. We are going for a walk!”


I stand in front of the big hotel and make my way through the lobby. I’m wearing casual clothes. A tight light blue jeans and a green raffled tank top. I have my brown hair loose around my shoulders. I’m wearing a white watch and polished my nails white. I walk up to the desk with my green Vans. The man behind it is busy at his computer.

“Excuse me?” He looks up and looks at me from head to toe. I know this is a fancy hotel and I look like I don’t belong here.

“Can I help you?” I clear my throat and just as I want to say my name I hear it besides me.

“Audrina Haven!” I turn around and I see Lou walking up to me with her arms wide open. A big smile is on her face.

“Lou!” I hug her tight. Damn I realize I missed her so much now I see her. She doesn’t let go. This reminds me of the time she was sent to camp Soccer. She never wanted to go but her dad was strict and wanted that girlie stuff out of her. She just came back more girlie. She held me the same way like she did now.

“Look at you! You look awesome. Come on. I’ll take it from here.” That last part was directed to the man behind the desk. She links her arm in mine and we walk up to the elevator. We talk about how our lives went on and she tells me about Lux. That is her little girl. I just look at how passionate she is telling me about her whole life. She’s been all around the world, thanks to her job. It’s like we never said our goodbyes at that airport 3 summers ago. We reach the floor and walk through some halls.

“We’re here!”  She knocks on the door and enters it. “Guys this is..”


I saw this giant piece of cake flying towards me and before I could duck it landed all in my face. And that is how I met One Direction.

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