Chapter 2

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“I am so sorry for this Audrie!” Lou is taking a wet towel and cleaning the cake of my face. I look at myself in the mirror. I can kill whoever did that. “They are just sometimes out of control?” She tries to apologize for the boys. I take the towel and get most of the cake out of my hair. I turn around with my chair and see 5 boys standing in a row staring at the ground. Their hair, clothes and face is full of different kinds of food.

“We’re sorry.” The blonde one says. I see that with his tongue he is trying to eat a piece of food from his cheek.

“I bet you are.” I answer him. I keep my eyebrows furrowed but then I sigh. “It’s alright, boys.” They look up to me and smile. I smile back. Lou comes stand beside me.

“Guys, this is Audrina. She is an old friend of mine who lives here. For the tour in America she will be assisting me.”

“We’re too much for ya?” I look at Harry, the curly-one. He smiles and plays with the bracelets around his wrist. He winks at me. I almost puke. Lou laughs.

“Yeah you are boys. You know me, we always have to rush and now I have a pair of two extra hands!” She looks at me with a bright smile. “Babe, we first need to do some paperwork. You okay to do it now?” I nod. We walk out of their room and go next door. We fill in some paperwork and we’re done!

“Welcome to the 1D-entourage!” Lou yells. I smile and hug her. “So you can stay in your apartment as long as you want, but when we go to another state, you have to come with us! We can bunk beds!”

“I love it already! But one problem. I have two pets..” I bite my lip nervously. I see that Lou puts on her thinking-hat. I’m kidding, that doesn’t exists. Lou tells me it’s alright to bring them as long as they aren’t in the way of the others.


I walk into my apartment. Marcel and Leroy greet me. Marcel is a German shepherd. He is almost 2 years old and very playful. Leroy is a grey Siberian cat. He just turned 4 last month. I pet their heads and throw my bag on the chair. I walk to the fridge and see what I can get for dinner. The fridge is empty. Fuck.

“I guess I’m going to get a take-out. Want to come with me?” I ask Marcel. He barks and gets his leash. I just came back from meeting the crew and the boys. Paul, the tour manager seems lovely. Sharon is their stylist. She is from Portugal but speaks very good English. I like her. And then the boys. They all are what they say in the magazines, besides the shitty things. Like Liam is not that serious. Louis on the other hand can be really moody. Niall is very sloppy. Zayn is like always quiet and not saying anything. Except to Sharon. Weird. And then Harry. Like in the magazines he is a flirt. But an arrogant one. They are friendly but I will keep my distance. I’m not in the mood for another ‘falling in love disaster’, no thanks. I’ve had enough of boys.

I click the leash on Marcel’s collar and take some money and walk to Nandos. I tie Marcels leash in a knot around a pole and walk inside. I have my earplugs in and listen to some music and look up to the boards to decide what I am getting.

I order my take-out and wait for it on a table. I tap my fingers to the beat of the music and notice that Harry walks in. He wears a hoodie and a sunglass. Oh god, not now. I try not to look in his direction but I see him coming to me.


“Hi.” I say short. I look up to see if Marcel is still outside. Harry sits down beside me.

“What are you doing here?” He asks. My mouth drops.

“Uhm, I don’t know. Elephant hunting?” He laughs at my joke. He leans in bit and I back up. He notices and backs up too.

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