Drunken truths

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The inspiration for this came from an ikimaru mini comic (the after party one) so yeah. Enjoy I guess? If ya stay to the end I'll have a lil a/n for ya!

"Hay (Y/N), my taxi's here, I gotta go. See ya."

"Okay, see you tomorrow Lance." Your voice was fairly quiet and you could hear his shoes tapping on the hardwood floor. The door creaked open and closed and it was quiet except for breathing next to you. You were the last one to leave Keith's place and when you were about to find your phone so you could check the time and walk home, Keith spoke up.

"(Y/N) you still here? I have a spare room that you can stay in, since it's pretty late."

You were gonna just drunkenly walk home, but this sounded way better and worse all in one. Come on (Y/N) just tell him, he's gonna say it back anyway...




"I've wanted to tell you this for a long time now, and I doubt I could convince myself to say it again so here goes. I like you Keith."

"Yeah, because we're friends?"

"Keith, I mean like as in not just a friend."

"...... Aren't you just saying this because you're kinda drunk (Y/N)?"

"Maybe? Maybe I wouldn't have been able to say anything if I wasn't, but that doesn't make it any less true." The little light in the room made it hard to read the expression on his face. "You don't have to say anything, I just wanted you to know..."

Your eyes became heavy and you drifted off as your body went limp.

"Ahh, well, I-" Keith looked over to see you asleep leaving against the sofa he was lying on. "Seriously?!" He semi whispered. He sighed and threw a blanket over you, and scooped you up bridal style in his arms and carried you to his spare room upstairs, still asleep in his arms.

He led you down on the bed, when you started to stir. "Sorry I woke you up-" You pulled his face down to meet yours and you kissed him softly, and you shared one small look before you drifted away again.

Keith just sat there, on the floor leaning against the bed, confused and a little bit ecstatic. He had wanted to kiss you for a long time...

*time skip to morning because I have NO IDEA what to do here? :)) *

Your eyes fluttered open and you glanced around the bright room. Where am I?  You looked around and then it hit you. I'm at Keith's house?!

"(Y/N)!" You heard a voice yell in the distance.

You stepped out of the room you assumed was a spare room that Keith had never mentioned, and saw Keith outside.

"Awake already?"

"I couldn't really get a lot of sleep, but I was gonna make some coffee. Do you want any?"

"Oh no it's okay, I should get going."

"Oh come on, stay a few minutes for coffee, it's not good to drive when you're tired." Keith had a point, driving when you're tired isn't too safe and could cause an accident. So you followed the mullet to the kitchen, where he poured too cups of coffee and sat opposite you on a simple, circular table that had two metal, black chairs tucked in. You sat in the chair and noticed how cold it was against your back, covered only by a thin shirt.

"So uhh, about last night..." His voice was so soft, unlike most of the time around the others.

"Last night...? Oh yeah, the stuff I said. I didn't mean to say all that, well I did but, it doesn't matter." You took a last sip of the morning brew and got up.

So she doesn't remember?

"It's probably better if I go." You went to a small corner table where your plain black helmet and black leather jacket were. Slipping into the jacket and heading to the front door, Keith spoke up.

"Wait!" He walked over to you and kissed you gently on the lips, as the wind gently danced along.

"Hay, you just gonna stand there or-?"

Should I tell her?

"Nothing, see you soon..."

You waltzed over to your sleek, black CBR 650 and lunged one leg over the bike, popping the key in the ignition and popping your black helmet with a small yellow and blue 46 sticker at the back, on your head. You gave a small wave goodbye as you drove, popping the visor down and disappearing into the distance...

ANNNDDD I'm done. I'm very tired and honestly this is all I got.

If ya wanna know what happens (my version of what happens because ikimaru left us on a great cliffhanger) leave a comment that would be great thanks!


Okay yes I know I've been gone and not updating and yunno what, it's because I'm tired as heck and I'm very stressed and unmotivated. I've seen a doctor and uhh yeah more appointments needed because we still don't know what's wrong with me! (I'm tired all the time and I had a blood test and the results were normal so we've gotta get more appointments!!)

Also schools a bitch and just thinking about it is making me tear up like no joke I hate it so much, its so stressful!!!

Okay imma buzz off :)) ttyl
~Beeeeeeeee 🐝

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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