Anyone would think you cared

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Fletch rolled over in bed to find an empty space next to him, reaching out a hand he felt the still warm sheet.
She's not been gone that long then. He marvelled at the fact that he knew exactly where she would be.
That night of the fundraiser at Albies. He hadn't noticed her at first tucked away in the corner. He assumed that Sacha had made her attend the evening. He mused that a few months ago she would have complained bitterly to him about being made to go and would have been getting drunk with him right now. But as it was he hadn't even known she was going to be there.
When she bumped into him outside the toilets it was the first physical contact they'd had in months. She shrugged him off. Shrugged him off but not before he felt the electricity course through him.
She was drunk but everything she said was true. Their precious friendship which prevented them from being together was fucked. In fairness it was his doing. He understood her reasoning about being together wrecking their friendship but he couldn't do that yet. Couldn't be the friend she relied on. Couldn't spend all his time with her knowing they couldn't ever be anything else, so he basically left Darwin. He occasionally went to his office for brief periods but usually he'd made sure that she was operating.
He knew it was petty.
And now spending time on Keller and YAU was ok, it was easy.He flirted with Ange as a way of distracting himself from the lingering feelings he had for Jac.
He couldn't help kissing her. She looked irresistibly sexy when she was mad. Those feelings were barely under the surface and she did respond. He hadn't imagined it, she kissed him back.
He went straight home after that. Didn't even go back to his table. Didn't say goodbye to anybody. Simply walked out and walked home
End of flashback
And so he'd appeared at her office door with an extra hot skinny latte. He had a banana too knowing that she wouldn't have eaten
"Everything ok?"
"Yeah sorry I didn't let you know I was getting up but you looked so peaceful I didn't want to wake you"
"Anybody would think you cared" he said cheekily
"Ow shush you. Thanks for the coffee and banana"
"I knew where you'd be and I knew that you'd need coffee and breakfast. Just thinking things over?"
"Just trying to take it all in Fletch. Just trying to process how we got here"
He smiled "fucked if I know but I'm pleased we are here"
He got up to leave.
"See you later?" He asked
She nodded "see you later" she said returning his smile.

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