Call it a draw

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Jac pulled up outside the house at 7.30pm exhausted. It was so much better coming home to a family than an empty house.
"Hi" she called hanging her coat up
"Mummy" said Emma running up to her
"Hey baby it's your bedtime"
"I know, I waited to say good night"
"Sorry, I'm late. How was school and after school club"
"I had fun and Fletch let us have MacDonalds"
"Did he now" she said as he appeared behind Emma carrying Theo
"The secret MacDonalds Emma"he laughed as Emma said "oops" and ran off
Fletch placed Theo down.
"Mate go on up to bed now. I'll be up in a minute"
Fletch watched his son run off
"Hey" he said turning to Jac holding his arms out
"Hi" she said allowing herself to be wrapped in his arms "Sorry I'm so late, all went a bit tits up in theatre"
"Come and have a glass of wine sweetheart" he said
"Why a month?" Asked Jac "wait are you pregnant?"
He chuckled "I just can't wait and 28 days is the minimum time allowed between stating intention to marry and being able to"
She held him at arms length "how the hell do you know that?"
He blushed "I just do"
She raised her eyebrows
"Jac you know I'm a dreamer, I might have looked it up"
"That's either creepy or romantic"
"Oh definitely, definitely romantic" he said punctuating each word with a kiss "now, are you coming back to bed?"
"Mmm" she sighed as he ran his hands down her sides. Pressing himself against her she was left in little doubt what his intentions were "ok. Just for s little while" she breathed
End of flashback
None of their 5 children were surprised when they were told that their parents were getting married and it all seemed to be too easy. Jac and Emma moved into Fletch's and everyone got on. Jac kept waiting for something to go wrong.
She kicked her shoes off and snuggled up next to Fletch on the sofa with a glass of wine. He leant forward and gently unclasped her necklace and removed it from her neck, catching her wedding ring as it fell from the chain and then placing it on her finger following it with a kiss.
Neither commented on his actions "you must be hungry" he said "the pasta bake just needs warming up"
Her stomach rumbled "I'm actually starving"
Being looked after like this was so alien to Jac and she secretly loved it and Fletch loved to take care of her, often surprised that she allowed him to. 
Sitting at the table after dinner Fletch took her hand in his, running his thumb over her wedding ring
"I can't believe we've done this. Never thought I would be sitting here like this with you"
"I'm sorry I pushed you away so much"
"I understand sweetheart. Just know that I will not let you mess this up as you kept telling me you would do"
"I'm really happy" Jac admitted out of the blue
Fletch's heart flipped over
"Me too sweetheart" he smiled
"Tomorrow" she said returning his smile "I'm going to keep this on" she said referring to her wedding ring
"Ok I'll do the same"
"And we'll not tell anyone, just let them wonder, then put two and two together and then ask us"
"Sounds like fun" he said "love you so much"
"Love you more"
"Not possible"
"Ok call it a draw" she laughed

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