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Kat's POV

I looked at Con.... I saw the sadness in his eyes... The tears about to roll down his face. His quivering lip. I said nothing, and did nothing.... I just, looked at him.

And then.... It came to a point, where I couldn't stand it anymore.... I held onto my bags, tightly. And ran out the front door.

I saw my ride, Ricky, pull up. Ricky helped me put my bags in the trunk of the car. I opened the car door. I looked at the front door, and saw Connor... Standing there... Crying.

I couldn't let him see me cry... I couldn't change my mind on this decision. So went in the car.... And we drove away.

Ricky knew, I was hurt.... More specifically, heartbroken. So he respected me, and stayed quiet. The ride was silent, except for the GPS, directing us where to go....

When we got to the hotel I was staying at, Ricky helped me get my bags, and I signed in at the front desk. I went to my room, and stepped in, Ricky following me, with the bags.

I pointed in a direction where I wanted it. I sat down on the edge of the bed. He set it down, and looked at me.

"Are you okay Kat?" He asked me.

I shook my head. I was now crying....

"It's okay.... You just need your time alone, to think." He said, and gave me a hug.

"Thanks Ricky." I said, quietly.

I stood up and said, "you should go... You probably have things to do."

He nodded and gave me another hug. "Text me when you need something. Or if you just wanna talk." He said.

I nodded and opened the door. He left and I closed the door.

I laid on my bed, and looked at my phone. 28 missed calls from Andrea.

I felt like she wanted to tell me something urgent, so I called back.

"Hi..." I said.

"Hey." She said.


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