Let the shit show begin!

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"And now to mix things up and keep it all fresh, we're adding three new competitors! He's an honor-roll student with a diplomat of a car and an amazing ability to charm the pants off of most species. Alejandro!" Chris said. 

"Perhaps, I could assist." Alejandro said coming off the bus helping up Izzy and Bridgette. 

"Wow-ie!" Izzy said after Alejandro helped her up. 

 "I-I have a boyfriend!" Bridgette stuttered.

 "And amigos, please allow me." Alejandro said going to help Ezekiel and Tyler.

"Wow, eh." Ezekiel said.

 "I like girls!" Tyler said. (Ok?😐)

 "And she's a sugar addicted super fan with sixteen Total Drama blogs! Sierra!" Chris said welcoming her out. She ran like someone was chasing her off the bus. "On my gosh, I love you guys! And this is the greatest day of my life!"Sierra said and started hyperventilating. "Does anyone have a paper bag I can breathe into?"

 "And last but certainly not least, our eight-teenth contestant. She has silver hair and eyes as red as rubys and a badass attitude! Please welcome Eclipsa Moonlight! Said Chris. All eyes turned to the bus.

" I don't remember seeing anybody else in the back of the bus with us." Said Alejandro.

 "She's probably some loser." Said Heather.

 "Hey, be nice Heather!" Said Gwen.

" Gwen is right." Said LeShawna

 "As long as she's not a nerd, I don't care." Said Duncan


 "Please welcome Eclipsa Moonlight!" Said Chris. 'Finally, I can get out of this crappy bus.' Thought Eclipsa as she walked out of the bus, stopping to stand a few feet to the left of the group. As Chris was talking, Eclipsa tuned him out. 'Did I bring everything?'

Bloody rose? Check.

Scythe? Check.

Tomato juice? Check.

My Dragon Ball Super comics? Check.

Swim suit? Check

Sweets? Check.

Ipod? Check

Phone? Check.

Headphones? Check.

Pajamas? Check and all that other shit.

Eclipsa looked up only to see a crappy ass plane land.


What Eclipsa didn't notice was that the all but Dj, Owen, Tyler and Cody, had been staring at her since the moment she stepped off the bus.

 *Oh my god, she is so perfect. From her silver hair, to her ruby red eyes, to her pale skin and her beautiful figure. Ahhh, she will be mine by the end of this. I will make sure of it and nobody can stand in my way, or else.* They all thought before heading the plane land. 

 "Excuse me, but I'd like to express some concerns about the safety of our plane." Said Courtney.

'we haven't even started and she's already complaining. If she keeps this up, I'm going to have to shut her up myself.' Thought Eclipsa. 

"Relax, it's perfectly safe." Chris said just as a part of the jet fell off and a raccoon ran out of it. 

 "Now boarding!" Chris said.

 "No, I can't ride in that! Call the United Nations, call a cab, call my Mom.."

 "That's it! I've had enough of this." Said Eclipsa as she walked p as the other competitors who were watching her in curiously, to stand behind Owen.

 "...I'm not doing this, I'm out! This is unethical!" Owen yelled freaking out. 

Just as he finished that sentence, Eclipsa cupped her hands together over her head and brought them down on Owens skull. 

Owen fell over. "Mommy."

 " Finally, some peace. " Said Eclipsa as the others looked at her in surprise.

 "Thanks Eclipsa, now I don't have to use a frying pan." Said Chris. "Now, anyone else have a problem with it?"

 "I'm good." Said Eclipsa.

 "No!" Said Cody.

 " Love it!" Said Lindsay

 "Dibs on the window seat!" Said Bridgette .

 "Now boarding on a voyage to a million big ones! We're saving you a first class seat for all the action! Right here on Total! Drama! Woooorld! Tour! Chris said, singing the world tour part.

"Seriously?" Said Eclipsa and Duncan.


 We all got on the plane. "Singing? Really? I thought Chris was joking about that." Said Gwen.

 "Well, I don't have a problem with it." Courtney said. "Yeah, cuz you like singing!" Said LeShawna. 

 "Singing? Ugh, no thank you, not in front of billions of people!" Said Eclipsa.

 "Well, I don't! Girls sing. Little birdies sing. Ha-ha. Duncan's do not sing!" Duncan said.

 "Think I'll get to beat box?" Asked Harold

"I'll beat you if you try/ try to and you'll lose your vocal cords." Said Duncan/Eclipsa.

Duncan looked at Eclipsa and winked at her, only for Eclipsa to roll her eyes and lean up against the wall of the plane.

 "Why are you doing this to us?" Heather asked.

 "Singing reality shows are huge! And the worse the singing, the better the ratings!" Chris said. " which is why on this show there will be no vocal coaches and no rehearsal or warnings."

Everyone groaned. "Anyway, this is the dinning area, where you will enjoy in-flight meals." Chris said. 

'I don't care, as long as I have my tomato juice and sweets, I'm good. " Eclipsa thought.

 "Not for long, prepare to lose to The Zeke!" Ezekiel said.

 "If I remember correctly, but weren't you the first one voted off?" Eclipsa asked, raising a brow with a blank look on her face.

 "Yes, and I have spent every minute since making that don't happen again! I'm stronger, faster, smarter-" 

 "Chattier, blabbier, can't-shut-upier...now zip it and let me finish this tour so that we can get this bird in the air." Chris said annoyed.

 "Is there a ladies room?" Asked LeShawna. "Just through there." Chris said. "Good, cause I got to go and make a deposit." LeShawna said going in.

Everyone heard her yelling "There's a camera in the potty.....Again!? UGH!!! Can't A sister get a little privacy in the program?!"

 'Wait, so there's a camera in the bathroom?! What in Omni kings name?! How are you supposed to get some privacy?!' Thought Eclipsa.

 "Ok, well where are our beds?" Lindsay asked.

 "Owen, care to demonstrate? Chris asked. 

'So that's what they did with him after I knocked him out.' Though Eclipsa.

Owen was strapped onto this thing, sitting on a chair, mumbling something in his sleep. 

"That does not look comfortable." Heather said. 

 'No, You think?!'

**To Be Continued**

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