Pinball and pandas

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Lilly Flame pov:

'I can't believe it! I'm actually on the show. Eclipsa and i would always watch this show on TV together. This is going to be great.' I thought as I liked everyone over, while checking to make sure the chocker my dead master was on tight.

"Ok! I'm going to need one volunteer from each team to climb inside these giant hamster balls....." Chris was saying but I quickly lost interest and it seemed that Eclipsa lost interest as well, because she started talking to me

"So have you decided what team your going to be on?" Eclipsa asked as she twirled a dagger between her fingers

"Hmm, I don't know." I said after some thinking

"Well, I suggest you stay away from team Chris unless I'm with you. Alejandro is trying to get all of the girls knocked out of the competition and I don't want that to happen to you." Said Eclipsa

Taking this information in, I nodded before asking

"What team are you on?" I asked

"Hmm, oh, I'm on Team Amazon." Eclipsa said

"Flame, have you decided which team your going to be helping today?" Asked Chris as everyone looked at me

"I've decided to help team Amazon so that I can stick with Eclipsa." I said as Team Amazon Cheered, while the other teams groaned.

Suddenly someone, as in Eclipsa, picked me up and spun me around before tossing me up high, like she would always do.

Only difference is that I didn't go into space and burn, instead, I came back down and she jumped up and caught me before we landed softly with everyone staring at us in shock and awe

"I'm guessing that means that your happy?" I said as I laughed like a five year old

"Hahaha, of course I am." Eclipsa said as she put me down before leading me to my new team for the day and telling me their names

Anyway, DJ volunteered and got put in with a panda that was trying to kill him, hint the picture from when you start reading this chapter.... What? Didn't think I could break the he fourth wall? Well I can and I'm not the only one, Eclipsa can do it to.

"Flame, stop talking to me he readers and focus." Said Eclipsa

"Okay!" I said as I got back on track.

Anyway, Eclipsa paired Cory with Sierra, while on team Chris, Alejandro got paired with a tame panda

'I should see if Eclipsa will let me keep a panda at the house. Well, she did let me keep all the other pets I brought home, so why not.' I though as Eclipsa looked at me like 'I know what your thinking and I don't care'. Seeing this I cheered, gaining everyone's attention as I jumped onto her back and hugged her from behind

"Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I said as she chuckled shaking her head

"No problem, now get off of me before you give me flees." Eclipsa said as I immediately jumped off

"Hey! I do not have flees!" I said childishly stomping my foot while giving a pout

"Ok, ok. You don't have flees, now come on." Eclipsa said, holding out her hand for me to take.

Smiling, I grabbed her hand as she lead me to what appeared to be a game

"All right! IT'S HUMAN PINBALL TIME!" Said Chris

Team Chris: 462.000 points

Team Amazon: Cody with Sierra gumming on his ear

Team Victory: a very depressed Dj

While all this was happening, I was braiding Eclipsa's hair into twin braids and attached a bow to each

While all this was happening, I was braiding Eclipsa's hair into twin braids and attached a bow to each

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"There you go. You really let your hair grow." I said as I handed my vampire friend a mirror

Looking around, I noticed that the other contestants were starring

'why are they starring. It's really creepy. I better keep my guard up.'  I thought before focusing on Eclipsa

"Yeah, but I like it." She said as she scratched behind my ear as I leaned in so that she could get a better angle

'What can I say, I love a good scratch behind the ear.'

Looking around, I noticed that the others were glaring at me for some reason, when suddenly Chris showed us a video of the guys from Total Drama Action..... Only their voices sounded so,.... Weird.

'What the actual fuck?' I thought

'That's what I was wondering.' Eclipsa thought telepathically

"Uuuum........What?" Said Noah

Lil miss Cit was ticked that their voices were dubbed even though it was in English

Chris laughed at this and stated it was because they hated their voices! Ha!

Anyway, our next challenge was to make a commercial about some stupid smelly sweets, which if what Eclipsa said about the food that Chef makes is true, than I don't want to try them.

Since, Team Chris came in first, they got first pick of the props

But in the end, we won due to Cody and Sierra and..... Exploding donuts?

At the elimination ceremony, Harold got voted off out of honor?

So I joined Eclipsa and the rest of the team in first class as we celebrated our Victory

'i wonder what we'll have to do tomorrow'.

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