Tea Time

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After a while of walking, and when his feet started to grow more sore by the step, he noticed a trail of smoke leading him to a patch of enlarged mushrooms. When he climbed a mushroom or two, he looked up at the tallest, and sitting atop it was a smoking man with black hair in a yellow sleeping bag.

"Who are you?" He said, smoke rings accentuating all the 'o' sounds.

"Izuku Midoriya, Sir."

"And what do you want?"

The smoke was really making him feel faint, "At this point, I'm not really sure." There was a thick silence, the man obviously not thrilled that he was in his space, "Y'know, smoking is really bad for you." Izuku commented to start a conversation.

"Listen, kid, I'm tired and stressed out, so I don't need any more brats questioning my life decisions."

"More people? Do you think they could show me the way out of here?"

An off-white scarf shot out of the sleeping bag and wrapped around him, "You should go and meet them, they might help you. Get you out of my hair, anyway," And tossed him a couple of trees over with the scarf. He landed on his back, and opened his eyes with a groan.

A boy with spiky red hair and sharp teeth was looking over him, "Hey, dude! Mr Aiwaza chuck you over here? That guy is so grumpy all the time. Come join us for some tea!"


"Yep!" His hand was clasped and he was pulled off of the ground so enthusiastically that he thought it was going to have a dislocated shoulder, "Eijirou Kirishima! My buddy with the hare ears is Kaminari Denki, and the sleeping bro with mouse ears is Sero Hanta. He's a dormouse, as the story would go."

"What story?"

"Don't worry about it!"

"Can you tell me how to get out of here?"

"You can try the King, I suppose."

"The King! Yes, of course, I followed a blue rabbit down here, and he was talking about a King."

"Tenya? A bit uptight, but a super nice dude!" With this, an arm was looped around his on either side, Eijirou one side, and Denki on the other. He was dragged to the head of the table and poured a cup of tea. He hadn't realised how thirsty he actually was until he looked down onto the brown liquid.

"Thank you." He took a sip. He shuddered and spat it out in disgust, "What did you put in that? Is this tree bark?"

"Do you know how hard it is to get tea is in the middle of the woods? So, bark!" The blonde hare spoke up.

"Woof!" Eijirou said, mistaking the ingredient for and instruction.

"That's not an apt substitute!"

"I haven't noticed the difference." Hanta said drowsily, dozing off again quickly after.

"Can you please just point me in the direction of the King? I'll be on my way."

"Oh, I don't know how to get there!"

"You could ask Hitoshi!" Denki suggested. As soon as the name was said, a teacup floated off the table and a hand faded into view, pinky out, before the rest of the person appeared.

"I heard my name?" His grin tattooed on his face, before Izuku could even ask, "The king? Oh of course! Again, I've got a friend..." Absent-mindedly pouring the contents of his cup onto Denki's head. He didn't seem to mind.

"Just- tell me how to get there, please."

Prince of Hearts (TodoDeku)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu