Chapter 3- Kira

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I scan the hallway as I walk to my locker, searching for Alec's familiar red head. I spot a boy with a hood over his head, just around Alec's height just down by my locker, his back to me. I smile, tapping his shoulder. He turns to look at me, and I take a step back in surprise as I realize that this is a stranger.

He is tall like Alec but more muscular. His hair is a dark blonde too, the color of caramel. His eyes are like honey, and they rake me up and down with a lazy appreciation. My cheeks flame red at the intensity of his gaze.

"Hello," he says, his voice smooth. He leans against the lockers, a half smile forming on his lips.

"Um, I'm sorry," I squeak. "I thought you were someone else."

He chuckles at that. "Let me guess: Brad Pitt? Or maybe Chris Hemsworth?"

I open my mouth to retort, but Alec brushes past me, stepping in between us to open his locker.

"Enough, Jake," he says, his voice even and calm. I jerk in surprise as I realize that this blonde haired cocky boy is Alec's foster brother. The player. I take another step back.

I glance over at Alec calmly rifling through his locker crammed with books. He carefully selects a few a shoves them in his bag before stepping back and slamming the locker shut. He then steps back, still in between me and Jake. Jake glares at Alec, his eyes narrowed in irritation, before looking at me and offering a flirty smile and a lazy wink. He then turns away, striding off down the hall.

Alec turns to me. He offers a small smile that is almost sad. I stare at him in shock. Having met all three brothers now, I'm suddenly struck by how different each one is. Alec, sweet and serious. Nick, artistic and aloof. Jake, arrogant and athletic.

I shake myself out of contemplation and smile at Alec in gratitude for his kindness. "Thank you." He smiles his sad smile once again. His eyes slide past me, and I am confused for a moment until I realize he is looking at someone behind me. I turn and see Nick brushing past me coolly to his locker.

I glance over, watching as Nick rifles through his locker quickly before slamming it shut and turning to the two of us. His green eyes narrow on me before he looks at his brother. An unspoken question passes between them, and Alex shakes his head. Nick scoffs, rolling his eyes and stalking past me.

I watch Alec, his eyes narrowed in contemplation as he watches his brother walk away. He then looks at me, his expression sad again.

"What's his deal?" I ask, disturbed. Alec shakes his head, pushing his glasses up his nose.

"My brother's and I have some family matters to deal with," he says vaguely. I tilt my head at him, raising an eyebrow. When he doesn't elaborate I sigh heavily.

"Well, ready for physics?" Alec smiles and nods. I turn to walk down the hall, still unsettled by the confrontation with Jake, and Nick's mood.


After class, I pack my things, shoving my pencils and calculator into my bag. I throw it over my shoulder, turning to Alec. He smiles at me, but it is strained.

"Go ahead, I'll catch up. I need to speak to Mr. Garrison about something." I nod, heading out of the class to my locker. Halfway down the hall though, I stop, suddenly remembering the physics textbook Mr. Garrison had given me.

"Crap," I mutter, turning down the hallway to go get it. When I near the classroom though, I freeze, the sound of raised voices leaking from the classroom. I briefly consider announcing my presence or simply walking away, but curiosity gets the best of me. I lean close to the doorway.

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