Marshell: Sunlight

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I wave to Gezel as she walks towards the entrance to the cave. It was late and the sun was about to rise.
"Hey douchebag, what are you still doing here? Shouldn’t you be getting off to your place?" Marcy says behind me. I turn away from Gezel’s retreating form and smile at my sis.
"Actually I was thinking that I could stay here tonight?" I ask her, hoping that for once she would actually have big sister feelings and let me stay. 
"Ya, fat chance, I’ll see you tomorrow bro." Marcy scoffs and turns to leave. I sigh and look up at the sky. It was already starting to lighten and my little cave I found is more than an hour’s flight from here.  Marcy closes the door to her house and I turn to leave.

~~~time skip~~~~
the sun peeks out over the horizon and I instantly feel my skin start to burn.
"Shit!" I say trying to fly straight through the pain. I am only 10 more minutes from my cave! This cannot be happening. I feel myself sinking lower, my powers draining, reminding me that this was in fact happening. My feet skim the ground and all at once my powers give out, landing me in a crumpled heap on the ground.  Pain saturates my body as I slowly fade from consciousness.

~~~another time skip~~~
my eyes blink themselves open to see Gezel putting some weird leaf on my arms.
"What are you doing?" I say. She looks at me, surprised and smiles.
"Hey! I’m glad you’re up, I’m putting some medicinal herbs on your skin to make the burns heal faster." she says. I try to sit up but she pushes me back down with a stern face.
"You lay still now, until I’m done with these herbs." she says. She was so close to me I immediately thought about teasing her, but I didn’t. Instead I nodded and looked around.

We were in a small house as far as I could tell, the curtains were drawn and all the light in the room was coming from a single candle on the coffee table. Right next to the candle lay herbs, bandages and a mortar.  I look around the rest of the room to see a small counter with a stove behind it, a closet with clothes tossed messily about, and a comfy looking bean-bag with a bookshelf right next to it stuffed to the brim with books of all different shapes and sizes.

"Where are we?" I ask as my gaze returned to Gezel. She raises her eyebrows distractedly.
"Hmm? Oh, this is my house, I brought you here after I saw you smoking in the field. what were you doing out that early?" she says, briefly looking up from the bandages.
"Trying to get home, how did you get me here?" I ask thinking that she was too lightweight to carry me here.
"You had transformed into a bat, your clothes protected you mostly, and just a few places on your arms and legs got really bad.  You turned back into a human a few hours ago." she pauses and blushes at this part, hiding it by turning and grabbing another bandage and placing it her lap. I smirk.

"Did you get a good look?" I say teasingly, she blushes harder.
"I-I didn’t r-really see t-that much, I t-tried n-not to l-look." she says her ears turning red with embarrassment. My smirk grows wider and I chuckle. She looks up at me and sighs, tying off my bandage and quickly moving away.
"d-do you w-want something to eat?" she asks walking over to the counter with the stove, opening one of the cabinets beside it.  There was almost nothing in the cabinet and she closes it quickly, sighing. 

"I’m afraid I don’t have much red here, but umm... I think I might have something under here" she says walking back and kneeling down, searching under the bed, rustling around for a while. When she bent over her red underwear peeked out of her pants and I look away, trying very hard not to think. I felt my little friend down south stiffen and a slight growl comes out as I try to control myself.  Shit, this is not working!
"Ah-ha!" she says pulling herself out from under the bed and sitting up in success. She smiles widely at me and holds up a blood red book covered in dust.

I can brush off all of the dust and you can have it, as long as you promise not to read it. This is all I have I think, besides clothes but I really don’t want to dig through-... are you okay?" she says looking curiously at me, she poked my cheek which was no doubt red. I slap her hand away and grab the book, turning away as I suck all the color out.
"Thanks." I mutter quietly, still trying to hide my blush as I hand the now white book to Gezel. She stares at me, stunned for a moment before taking the book and placing it on the coffee table.

"Ya, no problem." she says moving away, walking to the window. She looks back at me and carefully peeks through the curtain, sighing. She closes the curtain firmly, making sure no sunlight drifts through.
"Well, it’s not even noon yet. You should rest for today and you can leave tonight, okay?" she says. I nod and she settles down in the bean-chair, taking the candle with her, placing it by her foot as she crosses her legs and tries to get comfortable.

"Are you going to sleep there?" I ask her. She opens her eyes and nods, giving me a little smile. She settles back into the chair and almost immediately I hear her breathing slow as she falls asleep. I sigh and take another look around, this time noticing a door on the opposite side of the room.
"Wonder what that is." I whisper quietly to myself as my eyes begin to slide close. I force them open again and carefully walk over to Gezel, picking her up from the chair and putting her on the bed, laying down next to her.

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