Marshell: Kiss

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I’m going to bury you in the ground


I’m gonna bury you with my sound 

I’m gonna drink the red, from your pretty pink face

I’m gonna-'

I remembered my 7th birthday suddenly, my sister got mad at me and had transformed, that was the first time I realized what a monster I am.  And the biggest monster of all of us, my father, couldn’t even bring himself to accept me. Anger builds in me and I close my eyes against them memories of him kicking me out, he had Marcy, he doesn’t need me.

'What do you not like that?

Or do you just not like me?'

I strum harder on the guitar floating a bit sideways, my voice rising in volume as I kept singing.

'Sorry I don't treat you like a god

is that what you want me to do?

Sorry I don't treat you like your perfect

like all your little loyal subjects do!

Sorry I’m not made of sugar

am I not sweet enough for you?

Is that why you always avoid me?

I must be such an inconvenience to you!

well, I’m just your problem

well, I’m just your problem

it’s like I’m, not even a person, am I?

Oh no

I’m just your problem

well I shouldn't have to justify what I do!

Well I shouldn't have to prove anything to you!

I’m sorry that I exist

I forgot what landed me on your blacklist

well, I shouldn't have to be the one that makes up with you!

So, why do I want to?

Why do I want to?

I don’t have a clue

I’m asking you!

Why do I want to 

I guess that’s

why I wanna bury you in the ground!

And baby that’s 

why I wanna bury in my sound!

I’m sorry that it’s this way 

but I don't know what else to say

cuz I didn’t mean to push all my friends away

cuz I’m just your problem

I’m just your problem'

one single tear finds its way out of my closed eye and I whisper,

"I’m sorry"

I slowly open my eyes to see Gezel, wide eyed with an amazed expression on her face. 'Well, I guess that thinking of dad while I sang the song worked' she stands quickly and turns her back to me. 'Shit! Did I do it wrong or-'

"y-you changed it... you changed some of the words." she says quietly. I feel disappointment and sadness at her words. 'She didn’t like it?'

"y-ya well, umm... I was kinda in the moment a-and...” I let my voice trail off once I notice her shoulders shaking. 'Is she crying?! Was it that bad?!' she turns around quickly with the biggest smile I have ever seen and she jumps on me.

"th-that was so amazing! Thank you!" she says, laughing. I slowly float down to the ground so her feet can reach the floor again, and I pull away from her embrace, still stunned.

"You... you liked it!?" I ask and she laughs.

"No dummy! I didn't like it, I loved it!" she says wrapping her arms around my neck again pulling me towards her for a hug. I feel my mouth stretch out into a smile.

'She-she liked it! No, she loved it!' I hug her back fiercely and bury my head in her neck, nuzzling. My mind thinks of this morning. I had been so tired, my body just trapped her against the counter on her own. She pulls back and smiles at me, placing a peck on my cheek.

"I’m going to make me food, I brought you some apples so you didn't have to keep eating my things." she says laughing. I tilt my head to the side, getting a better view of her ass.

'What the glob dude?! Stop! That’s just wrong! She is your sister’s best friend! You can't look at her like that!' I think as shake my head and catch the apple she throws at me.

~~~Slight Time Skip~~~

We sit on her bed talking, she had just revealed to me the reason she wrote that problem. 'Honestly, that Princess Bubblegum can be so oblivious to how her words will affect people sometimes!' I think as she goes on to tell me about how her mother died when she was just an infant and how her dad protected her until he died of old age.

"That used to be his." she says wistfully, gazing at the guitar lying beside us on the bed. I look at it for a brief moment then look towards the room it came from.

"So that’s...?" I say questioningly.

"yep, that used to be his room... I have been meaning to clean it out, but I don't think I was ready... y-you're the only one I have told about it, s-so don’t... like... you know-" she says blushing, wringing her hands together in her lap. I put my hands over hers, stopping their movement.

I know." I say.  She starts to move her head closer, her eyes sliding shut and I feel mine do the same. Our lips touch and sparks fly under my skin, and I swear, my heart beats again for a minute. I couldn't believe this feeling! It was like flying and having both feet firmly on the ground at the same time. I deepen the kiss, wanting to feel more of this amazing, shocking sensation. Gezel pulls away and we sit there, so close as her breathing slows down.

"Wow" I hear her whisper to herself. I smirk, 'wow indeed.'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 23, 2014 ⏰

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