Gezel: My Song?

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I blink my eyes open slowly, feeling something weird about the room. My eyes focus slowly on the ceiling, it seemed much closer than usual. I take a deep breath, slowly stretching. I turn to my side and grab for my pillow.  My hand hits something hard and someone mumbles from beside me. I shoot up to find myself floating two feel above my bed, Marshall lee beside me, his arms wrapped delicately around my waist.

"What the hell!" I almost scream, unwrapping his arms from around me. This proved to be a mistake, because as soon as I let go of his hands I crashed down onto my bed.  A loud crack sounded out and my bed collapsed from under me. Marshall sits up above me and looks around, rubbing his eyes.

"Mmn, Gezel?" he says sleepily. I stand up, careful not to hit him as I turn to examine my ruined bed. I sigh in defeat and walk over to the kitchen, leaving the problem for later.

Arms wrap around my waist and a hard body presses up against me. I blush and turn quickly giving Marshall the evil eye as best I could with him so close. He pushes me against the counter, trapping me as his hands start to move along my body, sending new and confusing feelings to my brain. I push his hands away quickly and push against his chest.

"Hey, I saved your life yesterday and this is how you repay me? By teasing me?" I say, pushing harder against him he doesn't budge for a minute as he looks down so I can't see his eyes.

I begin to fear that he won’t let me go when he moves away and smiles down at me.

"Guess you're right, sorry." he says. I just stand there for a moment as my mind processes my relief and... Was that disappointment? I shake my head and focus on finding him something to eat. I dig through my closet for something red when I see my favorite blouse. It was blood red and had one of my favorite characters from my favorite book on it. I sigh and turn around handing it to him.

"Here you can have this, since we slept all night you will have to wait until tonight to leave." I say, moving away so I don’t have to see my favorite character being sucked dry of color.

"Okay, so what do you have to do for fun around here?" Marshall asks floating around the room. I sigh and look around the room.

"Well... I have books." I say, sure that he wouldn't be interested in that.

"Psssshhht, boring." he says and my gaze lays on my father’s old bedroom. 'I think he has a guitar in there, he probably is really good at music, seeing how Marcy is about it' I think to myself as I look at him picking the paint off my ceiling.

'Fine' I think as I dig the keys from one of the drawers in the small space I use as a kitchen.  I take a deep breath before entering the room, I haven't disturbed this room since my father had died, and I didn't really want to disturb it now. I take another deep breath and swing the door open, not stepping inside just yet. I take in the sight of all my father's belongings and the open curtains. I rush in, eyes filled with tears and pulled the drapes closed. I clear my coat for a moment and close my eyes, trying to keep the tears from my cheeks. A memory of him swinging me on a tire-swing popped into my mind and I quickly locate my father’s guitar and grab it.

"H-here, you can play can't you?" I say holding the guitar out for Marshall he takes it softly and I turn away quickly sniffing as tears that I try to keep back come forward. Marshall’s hand rests on my shoulder and he starts to say something but I shake his hand off and shut my father’s door.

"I’m going to find something for me to eat, if you get hungry just dig through my closet for something." I say rushing out the door, closing it firmly behind me. I slide down the door, tears running smoothly down my cheeks as sobs shake my body.

(Wanted to change back to Marshall’s P.O.V. for a minutes, sorry, but just bear with me.)


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