. 14

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it's been a few days of non stop studio time for the boys since our group date and i was growing bored. they were being pushed to do more and more not only by the label but by their own personal goals. and then there was asshat. brandon being the producer of the group, he went even farther. a typical day for the prettymuch boys would include waking up around three in the morning and yelling at each other for stupid shit while getting ready and leaving the house around four. everyone but brandon would be home around ten with take out food that they would chow down and then retire to their rooms around eleven. brandon on the other hand, would be back for an hour or so to shower, change, and go right back to the studio.

while waiting for the boys to go to bed in my room, i hear my bathroom side door open and stumbles in no other than mister arreaga.

"hey..." he whispers. he has dark circles under his eyes and his facial hair has grown and appearing more against his tan skin. his raven hair was slicked back from his recent shower and his voice was raspy from all the singing he has been doing in the last few days.

"hello stranger," i respond and he laughs quietly and moves to sit on the edge of the bed.

"so edwin is being a pain in the ass and told me to take a break and i know we're supposed to do this dating thing so... would you like to go on a date with me tomorrow?"

"hm? tomorrow? who else is going? and where?"

"yes, tomorrow and it would just be you and i going to grab lunch and just go explore los angeles some..."

"brandon! lessgo! zion finna pass out on the couch before we even get outta 'ere!" one of the boys yell down the hall. brandon quietly sighs and rubs his hands down his face. he was stressed and i wished we were closer so i could help or do something.

"hey, get some rest tonight and then we'll go, okay?" i whisper and rub his arm. he tenses under my touch and nods reassuringly.

"alright... night aspen,"

several hours later, my alarm goes off and i regret setting one in the first place. i got around eight hours of sleep but i'm still really tired from waking up in the early hours of the morning. i groggily get out of my bed and quickly make it and start gathering things for my shower. i send oliver a text to come over and that i need help picking out clothes for something. i knew if i told him brandon asked me on a date, he would go into full on fan mode.

after safely taking a shower, i change into sweatpants to wait for oliver to get here. i end up roaming into brandon's room and find a total mess. his clothes are thrown around and random papers are sticking up everywhere. i move back into my room and jump when i see oliver waiting for me by the bathroom door.

"oh hunny- what are you wearing?!" he exclaims.

"i was waiting for you-"

"so where are you going anything specific?" he asks and starts rummaging through my wardrobe.

"oh uh- brandon is uh... taking me on a date," i mumble and pick at my nails.

"mhm," he grins with a smirk and i'm start to wonder if edwin was the only person who talked him into this date.

"go try these on!" oliver yells, snapping his fingers in front of my face. numerous outfits later, we both agree on light washed jeans with a black belt, a cropped black shirt, and a puffy red jacket. i start working on my makeup and oliver grins widely,

"so are you guys getting closer?"

"um... they all haven't been at the house lately so not really."

"he seems closed off,"

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