Chapter Seventeen: A New Beginning

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Junhui sat in his desk, high above the ground and the people walking around the busy streets. The sun was high in the sky and let in just the right amount of light to where Junhui didn’t need to turn on his office lights. Every surface that the light hit, the bookshelves, the chairs, the desk, the couch, they each reflected it right back and light up the office. However, the light fit perfectly into to the room to where it didn’t leave a glare on the computer screen Junhui was staring at so intensely. Junhui had just been sent the most recent pictures of their models wearing their newest designs and he was supposed to verify that the pictures were okay to be sent out for the world to see in magazines, on social media, posters, and billboards.

He had been reviewing the pictures for the past half hour. There wasn’t anything wrong with them, it was just these few photos that he had been flicking between that he was having problems getting past. The photos came out great. The lighting was perfect, the poses were great, the editors did an amazing job with the filters and effects, but he just couldn’t stop staring at this model. There was just something so alluring about him. Junhui kept flipping between close ups and full body shots of this one model. He couldn’t decide whether he enjoyed being able to see the the way the model’s deep brown eyes stared into the camera with such intensity in his close up or, the way his black hair fell into his face and his bangs covered just enough of his face for him to seem so mysterious. In the close up, it felt as if the model was staring directly into Junhui’s soul and could pinpoint every little thing about him. But the full body shot, with his eyes slightly hidden, allowed for his cute little round nose and small smile to stand out. The clothing specialists had put him in clothes that Junhui himself had deigned. They had put him in a loose, red tank top that had the word “Shhh” written in small font over and over again all over the shirt in black. They paired that with a black jacket that, in one of the full body shots, was only hanging on one arm and was falling off the other, revealing his shoulder. He was also wearing a pair of slightly ripped jeans that definitely didn’t do justice to his figure but he still looked gorgeous In a few of the photos he was wearing a pair of red gasses that matched his shirt and they only brought out his features even more. In every photo he just looked absolutely stunning. He also looked asian, which was odd because most of their models were white considering they lived in America, but he definitely wasn’t complaining.

The more he stared at the photo the more he felt like he was being pulled in. Like this model had somehow put him under a spell just through a photograph. He felt so entranced by this thin, slightly muscular man in front of him. The only problem, was he had no idea who he was or what his name was. Of course, he does run the company so surely he could just ask someone, but he might do that later, after he’s composed himself a bit more. He just couldn’t over how iridescent this male was. He was practically glowing in every way.

Not even Wonwoo barging into his office and flopping down on his couch could pull his attention from the beautiful model. Wonwoo let out a deep sigh after plopping down on the couch and even then, Junhui continued to stare at the pictures on his computer screen.

“Junhui~” Wonwoo wined. “I’m tired~”

Wonwoo rolled so that he was laying on his back and sighed again. “Today some bitch decided it was okay to send out the designs without prior approval and they weren't even finished! I didn’t get notified till the head of the fabrics department called me and said that she was confused. You know, at first I thought, Oh she’s just new and doesn’t know what she’s doing so I sent one of the upper management's from that department in, but then they called me so I had to go all the way down there myself to see what the problem was. Only to find out that they had been sent incomplete instructions! Then I had to trace back who sent them and then found out that all the people who are supposed to approve the designs had never seen these. The whole thing was completely ridiculous and she put us so far behind schedule!”

Junhui continued to stare at his computer and occasionally responded with an “Uh huh”, not really listening to what Wonwoo had to say. Wonwoo then turned on his side to look at Junhui from the couch.

“Junnie~” Wonwoo started. “I’ve had a long day. I want cuddles.”

Junhui only hummed, not actually listening to Wonwoo’s request. Wonwoo frowned at this. Junhui was completely ignoring him and he was in the mood for attention. He was already having an off day and Junhui ignoring him wasn’t something that happened often. He furrowed his brows and grumpily moved to get off the couch. He walked around behind Junhui’s desk and leaned forward to see what Junhui was so distracted with. He couldn’t understand why Junhui was staring at these pictures. They just needed to be approved so they could be sent out and everything on the photos looked good to him, so he couldn’t see the problem. He stood behind Junhui, looking over the pictures that were being scrolled through and still couldn’t see why Junhui was so distracted by them. That was, until he remembered. Junhui’s gay. He realized that there was nothing wrong with the photos, Junhui was staring at the model. Wonwoo had to admit that he was an attractive model, but that was kind of his job, plus he wasn’t his type. But he clearly was Junhui’s type.

“Who is he?” Wonwoo questioned.

Junhui jumped, not realizing how close Wonwoo was to him, but quickly composed himself and closed the tab.

“I don’t know. I was gonna ask and find out later.” He responded

“Well, you’re going to have to wait till tomorrow. I’m hungry and it’s your turn to buy. We’re having chinese.” Wonwoo said as he stood up properly and started heading for the door.

“Fine.” Junhui said as he gathered his coat and began to follow Wonwoo.

The two walked out of his office and walked down a hallway that lead them to their long elevator ride to the bottom floor level. They had conversations the whole way down (mostly just Wonwoo complaining) and after a few minutes finally exited the elevator. They walked and continued talking about everything that had happened that day and their conversations melted together to other topics as they walked through the lobby.  They said a few goodbyes to people as they checked out and proceeded to head for the doors.

When they had gotten to about halfway through their gorgeous lobby, a man rushed through their front doors. He started swerving in and out of people trying his hardest not to run into anyone. However, Junhui and Wonwoo had been so invested in their conversations that they hadn’t seen the man rushing through the crowd. As they talked and laughed besides each other the man zipped through the lobby, headed straight for the two. He got closer and closer as he kept up his pace. Weaving in between and all around.  Junhui threw his head back, laughing at something Wonwoo had said. The man zoomed closer and mid laugh, he rushed right past Junhui, causing him to stumble. The man quickly turned his head to shout back an apology as he kept running, but the action had made him run directly into another man. Junhui and Wonwoo watched as the two man stumbled and fell to the ground. They landing with the man who was running on top of the other, but he quickly got up and continued off running in the direction he was headed. Junhui rushed to help the other fallen man off the ground, wonwoo right behind him.

“Are you alright?” Junhui asked as he reaches out his hand to the shocked man on the ground. The man grab Junhui’s outstretched hand and pulled himself up.

“Yeah, I’m good.” The man dusted himself off as his slightly higher, but calm, voice spoke. He then, he finally looked up and locked eyes with Junhui and both of their eyes held the same level of recognition.

Oh God, It’s the CEO

It’s The Model.

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