Never, Ever Meet Your Heroes

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I'm here again with another full-length 'tentative' Jimon fic. Tentative because I am a bit iffy on the story and as much as I love it, I am not confident in my abilities yet. My updates will be sporadic at best, non-existent at worst. 

I'll let you guys know if I will be updating. Save to say, it's looking good right now. 

Enjoy reading and you know the drill...Share/Vote/Comment. 

Please and thank you...


Simon didn't know why Izzy thought he'd want to be at a street fighting event. Granted, he didn't mind seeing half naked men beating each other up, but he could do that at home. On TV.

"Simon, trust me." She said, linking her arm around his. Simon rolled his eyes as he was dragged towards a huge open area where there were a lot of people crowded around a fairly large steel cage. "Alec's best friend from college invited us. Well, he invited me, Alec and Clary. Alec brought Magnus and I'm bringing you."

Clary was out of town with her brother for a family thing and wouldn't be back till the end of the month. Simon gave Izzy a look. "I don't like you when your girlfriend's away. You keep making me do things I don't wanna do."

"I love you too." Izzy grinned. "Come on, you'll have fun. I promise."

"So she managed to get you to come, Sayan?" Magnus said, scowling as he handed Alec a twenty. "I'm ashamed, Sharon, I thought you were stronger than that."

"I know my sister." Alec said, laughing. "I told you Magnus, don't bet against Izzy Lightwood."

Simon had given up on correcting Magnus on his name. "You slipped, Bane. You called me that this morning. And I thought you and your boyfriend would have better things to do than bet on whether I can resist Izzy or not."

Izzy came back with beers for all of them and they made their way to the benches a few feet away from the cage. Simon took out his phone and checked his social media. He really didn't want to be here.

He was so engrossed in his phone that when there was an uproar, he flinched and jumped slightly. Izzy was making whooping noises at the ring and clapping. Even Alec looked excited. Magnus just watched Alec with a small smile on his face. Simon looked at the cage wondering what got his friends so excited.



There was a hot, very blond...god in the middle of the ring, shirtless and in shorts. He was smiling; grinning really, as he paced the steel cage or strutted. Like a damn peacock.


He was delicious. The way his muscles bulged and bunched as he moved made Simon gulp. He realized he was staring and looked at his friends to see if they had seen him ogling the guy. He met Magnus's amused glance before looking quickly. At least Izzy hadn't seen him; he wouldn't be able to live it down.

He looked up again as Izzy made booing noises. He looked at her briefly, wondering if Clary knew her girlfriend was a violent fight loving freak. Alec just leaned against Magnus and let his sister do her thing.

The guy that got into the cage was at least two times bigger than the blond, but the latter just looked up at him, smirking. He didn't look scared or even anxious. Simon's heart was beating fast. If this crazy, pretty blonde got his face bashed in, Simon knew he'd be upset.

When the fight started, Simon clutched his phone to his chest and watched, barely breathing. If he thought the blond was hot before, it was nothing compared to watching him fight now. His every move was flawless and he did everything with that stupid smirk on his face.

Normally, Simon didn't like violence. He didn't like to fight, he hated pain and blood. But watching the blond fight, Simon couldn't deny that he was turned on. It was probably because he had been celibate for nearly two years because if anyone had told him that he'd be turned on watching someone beat the crap out of a guy twice his size, he would have laughed in their faces.

"Who is that?" he asked Izzy who was at the edge of the bench, focusing on the fight.

"Who?" Izzy asked not looking at him.

"The ho-The blond one." Simon said, hoping Izzy didn't catch his slip. "He's good."

"That's Jace." She said, looking at him for a second. "Alec's best friend?"

"Oh?" Simon turned to watch the fight. The fight was practically over at this point. The huge guy was already staggering on his feet when Jace did an elaborate little dance and kicked his legs out from under him.

Simon jumped when Izzy screamed and jumped up on to her seat. Alec and Magnus looked impressed. Simon looked at the ring again and saw Jace was looking at them. How could he not? What with Izzy screeching like a lunatic. He raised his hand in a wave as he was announced as the winner.


"What did you think, Sherry?" Magnus murmured as Izzy and Alec went to talk to Jace. "I think I saw you drooling a little back there."

"I was not-." Simon sighed. "Sue me, he's hot."

"I suppose so." Magnus said dismissively. "But I have had my share of fighters in the past, so this holds no appeal for me."

"Alec looked pretty excited back there." Simon said. "I think this whole shebang holds a shitload of appeal for him.'

Magnus gave him a look, but sighed. "I know. I just hope..."

"Hey guys." Izzy said joining them. Jace's arm was around her waist. "The man of the hour. Jace. Jace; Simon, Magnus."

Magnus muttered something dark before he turned on the charm. "That was a great match. You seem to know what you are doing."

"It was alright, I guess." Jace said with a smile and it was all Simon could do to hold back a whine. His voice...fuck, his voice. Simon could imagine him saying his name. His skin was instantly ridden with goosebumps. This was ridiculous. He couldn't be getting this turned on over a few words.

"...wasn't really that challenging." Jace was saying. "Frankly, I could still go a few more times. I'm still pumped."

Of course, he'd have that energy. Simon tried not to think of what else he'd have the energy for. A guy this pretty, he wouldn't have any problems finding people expend all that energy on.

"Simon?" Simon blinked. Everyone was staring at him. He blushed as he saw Magnus's knowing grin.

"Sorry, I was lost in thought for a minute." He smiled apologetically.

"I'm sorry." Jace said, his tone cooling. "Was I boring you?"

Simon took a step back, blinking in surprise. It felt like he had been doused with a bucket of iced water. Even Magnus's smile dropped as he looked at Jace. Izzy and Alec had identical looks of stunned surprise on their faces.

"I don't think that's..." Izzy started, but Simon interrupted her. "It's fine Izzy. Great fight, man. Alec, Magnus...I'm out." Then he turned away and walked off.

He should have known someone that hot had to be a jackass.

At least he wasn't turned on anymore. But it would be a different story when he was no longer annoyed at the meathead.

This why you never, ever meet your heroes.

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