*T H I R T E E N | Beetle Project

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Mingrui's Perspective

"Your performance task will be a little different from your other projects." Sir Oliver stood in front of us the next day. "I would like you to enhance your researching skills." then he faced us "I propose: Investigatory Project."

"You will be grouped into three-"

"But Sir, we're 14." Anne said.

"Well then, one group will have four members."

And that was where I was put. I was grouped with Ace, Quintin, and Lyre. 

"You may now go to your respective groups and discuss your topic." Sir said and sat down.

I sat in between Lyre and Quintin, with Ace sitting across me.

"So, what do you want to study about?" Lyre asked while opening her notebook. I noticed she only looked at me and Ace in the eye. 

"Let's study plants." Ace suggested.

"But I heard Len's group already settled with that." Quintin said. "How about fruits?"

Then, as if on cue, I heard Roville say "Sure, apples it is."

"Guys I don't think so. " I pointed out. "How about insects?"

I immediately wanted to dig my grave and roll in it. I hate bugs. I'm sooooooooooooo stupid. 

"That's a crazy good idea!" Lyre scribbled in her notebook. 

"What insect to be specific?" Quintin asked, not looking at her as if she didn't exist. 

"Oh oh beetles!" she suggested, ditching Quintin completely.

Dammit. I was shaking so bad I bet it was noticeable.

"Where are we going to find one?" Ace asked. He and Quintin discussed it while I stayed quiet listening and literally, internally, trembling. 

Then I felt a hand on mine. "You okay?"

I looked into Lyre's deeply concerned eyes staring at me. Why are they very pretty? "Um...y-yes."

Yes. I'm vastly afraid of bugs and beetles. But I wanted to help. Ace and Quintin were basically laughing about bugs when I took a deep breath.

"I think I have some wandering in my garden." I said. 

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