Stripper Sniper

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Hey guys Azure here, just here to tell ya to go follow ImmortalGod1 he's an up and coming writer with some badass stories so go check him out if you're into these kind of stories. That's all

In the years I have been in this dainty little village underground named Jiha. My powers slowly have been coming back to me, the occasional wound from a fire or an earthquake breaking something. I heal slower in the left side which angers me greatly but there was one thing more that I hated. The damn village leader, always bossing me around. One time I was about to kill him but someone... The only person I care for, well one of them. Simon... He reminded me so much of Jojo I took care of him like his parents asked of me. Currently I was helping the miners. Punching through the rock.

Y/N: "USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS!!!" I yelled as I made a decent hole in depth. I hear something going on outside and I look at the sight.

Kamina: "HAHAHA! Get out of the way team Gurren coming through!"

It was Kamina... Simon's "big bro" and his gang that Simon is with. Riding these weird Pigmoles towards the top of the cavern before being knocked down. I start walking over as I rub my face. The first thing I hear is.

Kamina: "The surface is real! My old man and I was up there!"

Village Chief: "Oh yeah? And why aren't you up there now?"

Kamina looked down and I put a hand on his shoulder. Before glaring at the fat bastard... So much like my piece of shit father. I hated him so much

Y/N: "Hello Kamina... In trouble again I see"

His eyes and Simon's eyes light up.

Kamina: "Well look at who we got here! A living breathing man of the surface!"

Chief: "That's a load of bull shit and you know it! Now take kamina to the cells! Simon you will go back to dig! And Y/N!"

I punch him in his gut, not enough to kill him, just enough

Random Girl: "Oh my God Dio hit the chief!"

Random guy: "The chief knew what was he was getting in to when talking to Dio like that..."

I walk off and dig a hole next to Simon's. Finding a very peculiar item. And from the sound of Simon's astonishment he seemed to have found one too. I move the dirt and find...

 I move the dirt and find

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A bow and arrow... All of a sudden I hear.

Simon: "C'mon! Y/N I gotta show you something! Oh but let's break big bro out first!"

I walk out with the arrow and he looks at it.

Simon: "Hey... What's that?"

Y/N: "Oh... Well young Simon, it is an Arrow, used by ancient humans to hunt. But when I was about your age it was a sport to shoot a bow from an arrow."

Simon: "Ah... Well let's go break bro out!"

Y/N: "You go do that. I'll wait here by the water. But if you need my help... Just call me and I'll be there in an instant"

He nodded and ran off with his drill. I felt the ground shake after a bit. But I closed my eyes. Once I heard the crash I opened my eyes... And my God was whatever fell from the surface massive. Then I heard an afraid voice yell.

Simon: "Y/N HELP!!!"

I run next to Simon and Kamina. Seeing kamina yelling at the damn machine before it was shot at by... A woman!? A very... Revealing clothed woman. The sun gets closer to me so I hide under a cloak that hides my body from the harmful Rays.

Woman: "What are you people doing! Go for cover!"

Y/N: "Shut your mouth Wench! I thought maybe the surface has evolved to be more advanced than my era and what do I see?! A woman who dresses worse than a common whore of my era! You have no shame!"

The woman was taken aback by my words and I pushed her towards Kamina.

Y/N: "Simon! You take them to a safe place! Or to whatever the hell you wanted to show us!"

Kamina: "I like your spirit Y/N! Show that ugly mug what the hell Team Gurren is all about!"

They run off and I glare at the robot. I for one was not ready to die yet. I walk towards the robot

Y/N: "You damned hunk of worthless scrap! Do you know what you have done? You have destroyed my home!"

Robot: "Like I give a shit! Die!"

It swings it's club at me and I hold it back from crushing me and push it back.

Y/N: "Feast your eyes on me monster! My name is Y/N "DIO" Brando! And who the hell do you think I am?!

Robot: "What the hell!? What are you! You aren't human that's for sure!"

I start punching the club apart.

Y/N: "All you're efforts are! USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS USELESS!!!!!!!!!" I shatter the club as I notice Simon, Kamina, and the Wench in a smaller robot.

Simon: "Y/N! Get in!"

Y/N: "About time! Show me what this thing can do!" I hop in and is forced to sit next to the Wench.

Kamina: "Good! Now c'mon Simon! Show that Beast whatever not to screw with Team Gurren!"

We get towards the big robot and before it could crush us we're forced to be cramped in to the robot and something soft was pressing against my face.

Woman: "A-Ah what's against my butt!?"

I push her off me and I notice the machine we are in was glowing and last thing I remember was being on the surface Annnnd three more of those worthless robots in front of us. I get out of the robot that wasn't working.

Simon: "Y/N! Don't do anything reckless! I can't lose you too!"

Woman: "Get back here or you'll die!"

Y/N: "Oh shut your mouth you worthless woman! I am Dio Brando! Otherwise known as Y/N Brando! Vampire from the time 1886! You'll know your place below me like everything else! Now fear my Space Ripper Stingy Eyes!" I blast a pressurized liquid from my eyes and cut through the robots and they explode.


Simon: "Y/N! That's enough! We already won!"

Kamina: "That's what I call a fighting spirit..."

I look at them and sit next to them whole looking at the arrow.

Y/N: "Soon I'll find out why you were hidden..."

And that ends the first chapter. Nothing special just showing off how this will be going... Will Y/N find out the secrets of the arrow just like the once powerful Stone mask? What is the world now compared to what it was? And the most important one... What the fuck will this story be. Like for real guys idk what I'm doing lol. Anyways peace out. Word count: 1215

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