ISS part 1

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Never have I ever had a write up before. I was terrified.

Have you ever gotten that feeling in your throat, that almost feels like a knot. This morning I got to school early. My school starts at 7:40 am so my two brothers and I got there at 7:11am. As soon as I got there is saw my friend, juice, I'll call him. I sat there and said I was stuck in a bad trouble. I had to talk to my vice principal. I was only aware because the day before I asked to call home early due to illness. My dad got a call about a Google slide. "Smash or Pass". Oh shit. Apparently, the trouble was about a Photoshop I made of one of my teachers. I originally made this slide to share to a few friends on my school account, for some reason.

The school can literally see the date, time, and who did it.

After two months of originally making the slide I completely forgotten about the stupid thing. It was soon shared out to 18 people. There is almost an entire community of people of my school that love this type of stuff, so they share it out and then those people share it, so it's one of those senarios.

So when I got there I was freaking scared out of my shit. I am one of those kids who will moderately talk to the people around me, A-B student. Ya know? So talking to the vice principal of the school made me really feel stupid.

Almost as I got there I sat next to juice, and I then proposed my trouble, almost going to ask for his advice. The teacher of the ISS garbage said:
"McBleu, you know you have an ISS, right?"
I didn't know I had an ISS.
"Yah" My voice was a bit hoarse because, again, me a ill frikin dog
"Then you'll have to wait in the office until school starts."
"oh" And here is only the beginning.

I slowly walked to the office, almost dragging each step I took. I sat right in the front of the office waiting for the vice principal called me in. He then called me in. I already had tears welling up in the back of my eyes. I eagerly sat down.
"McBleu, know why you are here right?"
"Yes, I'm so sorry for what I did." I kinda blurted out before I ugly cried in front of this vice principal, I have never met.
"Hol up imma git u sum o thos tiskues" I literally, like had snot and tears rolling down my face.

" You know, you are a human, and all humans make mistakes everyday. Kids and adults alike, we can't help it."
" I didn't mean to hurt anyone, I just meant it as an innocent joke." I was definitely trying to assert that, I myself, was innocent. Again like hoarsly ugly cry everywhere.
He told me: "since you haven't gotten an office referral before I don't think we should suspend your account. How does that sound?"
Of course I responded with a crocodile-teared-up nod.

For the rest of the time, like 5 minutes he just asked some stupid questions, like 'were you the original creator of the slides' and stuff like that. After the talk I went and sat down in the office for another 15. In that office 5 minutes feels like 20. The secretary kept asking if I wanted like a stupid whole grain Pop tart or whatever. I kept opposing the offer, but she just wouldn't stop telling me to consider it.

I walked to the room, which was also a learning center. If you don't know what that is, it is a room where all of the kids learning, like, mainstream required academics that still don't understand the subject, so all of those borderline 'tards' were in the same room I was in for 6 and a half hours.

story time!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora