Actual Torture (ISS pt. 2)

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I suggest reading the first one, if you haven't.

That's stupid just read this.


So as soon as I got in I go to my desk with literal dividers. I sat down only to read the labeling of the paper on the desk.

Reflection sheet

Oh my God. I then sat down and the teacher, Ms. Glass, I'll call her, gave me a rundown of the rules. I only had 4 breaks throughout the day, and they were all monitored, meaning she had to go out into the hallway and wait for me to be done taking a leak. She explained the sheet, and almost directly after she was done explaining another person I kinda knew, walked in.
"Uh, where do I sit?" The wimp asked
" Just right over there, raise your hand once you are finished."
She then walked over to the other kid and said, "have you been in iss before?"
He responded with a yes.
" Ok then I'll review the rules with you."

I was done with this already. I finished my paper. Like the sheet was literally, 'what would you say what happened?' I responded, 'posted something offensive on a Google docs' 'what would your teacher say what happened?' posted something offensive. Stupid questions like that.

Ms. Glass came over, like, 10 minutes after I raised my hand. She said we will talk about it, and she kept turning it all to me. She would say stuff like, "well you should care about their feelings towards it." I fucking showed them, they laughed. "You should send a sorry letter."
"No, I... Can't."
"Well, why can't you? Wouldn't it be a bit awkward to be in class with them after that."
"Ya, but" I said that pretty quietly, remember I was sick.
"Well you should write that letter. Here is your work from your teachers. Just raise your hand if you want a lined piece of paper for the letter." She walked off. I quickly got to work so that I can be finished an just read for the rest of the day. I did my science and my math assignments for the day or the next and later my social studies teacher walks in to give one of the other kids an assignment, and one for myself, as well. I said thank you and he walked away.( This will be a little detail to remember.) I got that new assignment finished within 30 minutes, easy. I raised my hand if I could grab a book, and announce that I am finished. She walked over to a filing cabinet, and asked if I remember area of triangles, I responded Yes. She gave me like 3 packets.

Also I forgot to tell you, she has students from the high school came over and help the r-tards if she is busy on Facebook looking at minion memes.

First break, oh boy! There were only three kids in iss. The wimp, a kid that came in late on purpose, and myself. She told us, " single file line and no talking." We walked to the gang bathrooms and we had to wait for each other to be finished going to he bathroom. We then got over to get a drink. I stepped out of line to see in front of myself.
"Get back behind the wimp." That's not really his name but you know.
I instantly stood behind him and put my hands behind my back as well so she understood that I actually took her seriously. I hate her so much.

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