Ruh-Roh (ISS Part 3)

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Ahhh, where were we my children? Oh, Oh, I remember, we were on the boring part when I finished all of my work and then I kept getting these ranchy packets on random things. Have you ever heard of SCOPE magazines? I had to read and analyze an entire one of those magazines, except it was about childhood-Homelessness. When I first got the packet, I was 

1. Confused

2. Extremely Tired

and finally 3. Absolutely hateful of Ms. Glass. 

I just wanted to either eat lunch or read the crappy school book(It was wayyy more interesting than what I had to do in ISS.) than serve my time for this shitty crime. I honestly thought that there would be more students, but those who weren't there were wayy lucky. 

"Since it was Thursday," I quote the crappy Ms. Glass "You guys have to put up with the gym teacher that almost no one likes." That wasn't exactly what she had said, but you know what I mean.  I didn't like this teacher as well. (I'll call her Ms. PeePee.) As you already know I didn't even kind of like this teacher. Loud, had high expectations, and smelled like pee pee. She kind of succed it too. 

I went to my own lunch so all of the people I knew were there to display their emotions about the current sitch  I was in. Or at least that's what I think what happened.

For any of you who don't know what lunch detention is, it is when or if you get into an incident, instead of going to an after school detention you can just get to stay in a silent awkward room, with people staring at you eating the schools yucky  garbage food. Get educated!

I absolutely hated the lunch portion. I thought I was hungry, but no thank you, for that mess. I honestly hated the teacher in the first place, and then all you had not to do is stuff me in a hot room with 4 other students eating rubbery hamburgers. Ms. PeePee was like calling people out when they weren't eating. So you like, had to eat or she'd scream something like, 'You better eat or I will send you to the office!' Thus I ate accordingly, after having an already pretty good experience. Ha, ha I'm funny.

A/N there is an even better chapter. The last time I was on wattpad I had a deadline, so couldn't completely  finish it. I hoped you had enjoyed that chapter!! Have a good day and remember to wear your seatbelts!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2019 ⏰

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