are you here for heere?

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* tis The Next Day *

( Michael P.O.V )

I woke up, That Dream again....I really want to talk to him about it, that kiss.... Was there even a spark? was it just me? 

I honestly don't know... Just then i get a text from Jeremy,

" Yo Michael! watin outside, Christene is heere if u dont mind" Jeremy Texted

" Nah Man It's fine, Be right there" I Lied in my text,

i got ready and ran downstairs " Bye moms! " i yelled saying goodbye to my moms

" bye Michael! " my mothers yelled back,

i smiled and went outside i saw christene, no Jeremy, " Yo Christene Where is jeremy? "

" At 7/11 getting something." She responded, " Ok, so we wait. "

" Wait..." I said as i noticed Christene had his phone, " how did he text me if-"

'' you like him don't  you? " she asked non chalantly, 

" WHat?!?!?" i said a bit weirded out, 

'' you like my boyfriend, it's obvious, he loves me, and i love him, please let us be together, im letting you kiss him. please''

''. . . '' 

I felt terrible, i made her feel threatened, like i was gonna steal her boyfriend, it's not like he want's to date me.

" Please, you could take him whenever you wan't, but i love him, he clearly likes you. let me keep him,''

i felt very guilty,

" Christene, i would never-''

'' or else.''

wait what. 

" he loves me, for some reason he also like's you, nothing against you michael but i love him, and it very rude of you to try and steal him from me, He trust's me more than he loves you, so if you try anything he will turn his back on you faster than you can say sorry, i am letting you kiss him, i won't do anything, i just really love him. "

" Christine, He-"

" Hey Guy's im back! " Jeremy yelled walking over to me handing me a red slushie,

I smiled, I saw Christine walk over to Jeremy, 

She Clinged on his arm and smiled,

" Jerermy lets go to school...." I said

Me and Jeremy were walking and Christine was Behind us looking up at the sky skipping,

" Jeremy Can we just keep walking alone to school...?"

" why? Christine is legit the kindest  person ever, "

" Meh, I guess im just comfortable with you, " i smiled at him,

" ok, i will talk to her, " he smiled at me and held my hand, My face went red, 

I saw Christine look at me, her eyes were desperate, i let go of Jeremy's hand and his smile faded, " I-im sorry, I didn't mean to hold your hand, it was a accident..." 

" Dude it's ok, i would normally be fine with it, you just have a girlfriend, i don't wanna make her feel awkward, ''

"  O-oh... " he said

we finnaly made it to school, 

" Hey Whats up guy's! " Rich said high fiveing Jeremy,

" Hey Rich, " I said

" What up guys!" Jake said putting his arm over Rich, 

Rich Kissed his Boyfriend on the cheek,  

We Smiled at them and waved, 

" How's The New Mom Thing Going Jeremy? " Rich asked,

" Meh, I mean she is nice, And Evan is a pretty good  Brother, its his Boyfriend that Scares me. "

" Connor Murphy? Pretty Freaky dude. " RIch said, 

" HEY I HEARED THAT TINY! " Connor Murphy yelled From a locker from across the room,

" C-connor...." Evan Said desperately  Trying to get Connor not to pick a fight,

" WHO YOU CALLING TINY, TALL ASS? " Rich yelled storming off to beat Connor, Jake followed him,

Me and Jeremy slided away,

This is going to be a long day...............

-Just one kiss- ( Boyf riends fanfic )Where stories live. Discover now