page 13

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As I made my way to Tristan's house, the thick mahogany doors flew open, with Tristan, standing by the frame.  

"Good evening Maya, and to what do I owe this wonderful visit." He said warmly, too warmly if you asked me. 

"Do not play coy with me Tristan, you vampires are all alike lying, sick and sadistic. I know you had me followed, but to stoop that low to massacre humans out in the open like that just to get to me now that's messed up." 

"What the hell are you talking about Maya" he retorted with a bewildered look on his face. 

"You let your lackeys follow me into Bistro's tonight kill everyone just so I could come running to you like my Savior so you can use me to your liking, I'm right aren't I ? you disgust me, I will kill you" I shouted. Before I could make a move forward, he was at my side, his fingernails outstretched, digging into the flesh on my neck, "let me be perfectly clear deary, If I wanted you, I would have you, no ifs, ands, buts, or maybes about it," he replied and for the first time, his voice was not gentle, it was sinister like, full of malice and contempt, he was intimidating. 

" Then... why .....did they.... attack... at ... Bistro's?" I asked weakly as i tried to speak. He loosened his grip from around my neck and i fell to the ground.  

"I honestly do not know, maybe a vampire was feeding on someone and lost control, not all vampires can control their impulses when they smell blood, its in their nature." he simply stated. "Besides if a vampire were to follow you, you would pick up their scent, did you pick up any scent in your home?" he asked casually  

"No" I replied.There were no unfamiliar scents in my house that i could remember so he was probably speaking the truth. "So if it wasn't you ,then do you know who it might be?" I asked. 

"There are many covens around this part, it could be anyone," he continued saying "but what I do not understand is, if they killed the humans, why did they follow you home?" 

"Two vamps saw me decapitate another vamp and then they fled, so I assumed they told their elders about me," I shrugged. 

"Well you can spend the night here. if you like," 

"Why, why should I?" I asked skeptically, because honestly I did not know if he was to be trusted.  

"Oh hmm well lets see, there are vampires chasing you, you have no where to go, ummm... In these parts I am the law over all vampires, So therefore you'll be safe here, need i go on?" he asked smugly.

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