page 36

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Last page, hope you all enjoyed the read!!


 "Gloria! no, you killed my Gloria." Linx screamed with sorrow tracing his voice

"Yes she is dead, and you will be joining her shortly father." Tristan said as he strode across to Linx." I will kill you like you killed mother even if I have to die trying.

"Good luck, I am stronger and faster than you, and I will kill you, then i will drain your whore dry of her blood and become unstoppable, and there is nothing you can do to stop me." he hissed.

Linx then glanced at me and said "I will make you suffer for what you did to my Gloria."

"Come get me you piece of shit" I exclaimed, "it's two against one."

"Ha ha ha" he laughed. You all are still no match for me, you are a half breed and he is younger than me by centuries, I can destroy you both with one blow." He shouted.

"He's right" Tristan whispered.

"I can hear you, you fool, I am a vampire remember." Linx snapped.

"Tristan, you attack the top, I'll attack the bottom." I said

"Thats your plan!"

"Trust me"

Tristan and I rushed him, Tristan tried to rip off his head, but Linx bit off a piece of flesh from his neck and threw him to the ground, I bit his foot but he kicked me away, I felt my ribs break, thank goodness I was a quick healer. Tristan was bleeding from his wound.

"Is that all you got?" he laughed so hard I felt the house shake.

"Again Tristan" I shouted, "This time I on top you below.

We grand charged him and I jumped on his neck, Tristan grabbed his feet as I sank silver quarters into his eyes.

"Aah, it burns" he said as he tried to dig them out of his eyes.

"Now Tristan, help me get him outside, the sun will be up  soon" I said

"Tristan's eyes lit up, as he finally understood my plan, we were not trying to defeat him, just weaken and stall him till the sun came up.

We threw him outside and watched as the sun lit him on fire. I drew the heavy curtains to sheild Tristan from the sun light, and turned my back on Linx's screams.

Tristan then fed from me to recover from his wound and I nestled myself into him as he slept, I got up occassionally to monitor outside, as I did not want anyone killing us while we slept.

It was sunset and Tristan rose. He held me in his arms as we made our way out of his father's house. "Tristan I have a confession," I said sheepishly

"Yes, what is it, it's not another man is it?" he snarled

"No, no," I felt him sigh in relief." When I agreed to come stay with you, I had an ulterior motive. I wanted to use to to find Linx, then I planned on killing you after. Low and behold, Linx was right under my nose all along. I just wanted to say sorry." I declared.

"Shh... water under the bridge my love." he simply replied. I kissed his lips.

"Where to now?" I asked

"How about anywhere, but first let's stop by Danny's, I want him to know we're alright." He said as he lifted me up and began running.

"I love you My" he said and I'm glad that you are immortal as well as part human, this way i can live with you forever and ever and still get a fix when I'm thirsty" he teased.

"I love you too, and I like the idea of being with you forever!" I said as I nestled into his arms.


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