~ Prologue ~

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That man walked straight towards JK.

"Pardon me......Do you have an invitation letter?"

Ever since that man alighted from the car, JK's sight and heart had been captured by him instantaneously.

The person who commands an otherworldly beauty opened his mouth to speak.

This person had a very soothing and beautiful voice.

Up until now, JK would not dare believe that the beautiful voice and thoughtful words were directed at him.

His wrists were gripped very roughly by the burly bodyguards. With stern glares, the bodyguards urged JK to reply that man.

"No, I do not."

"That being the case......"

That man's eyes glanced downwards lightly.

"I am unable to help you," said that man sincerely in an apologetic tone.

His long eyelashes delicately casted a shadow on his alluring eyes.

Everything about him was beautiful beyond words---

His appearance, his being.

Everything was breathtaking.

"......I sincerely apologise."

Even his regret for not being able to help a stranger was genuine and heartfelt.

Based on the clothes that man was wearing, JK could tell that this man was one of high social standing.

Despite that, this man decided to specially approach JK - a nobody, a stranger of unknown origins, and was even concerned about him......

It could be that, perhaps, this man felt sorry for an Asian man to be treated rudely by the palace's bodyguards.

Even so, he was still very gentle.

"This party is organised as a celebration and to show our utmost appreciation to the winemakers. In this country, the winemakers take great pride in being invited for this party, and hence, the people that you see here today are winemakers who have poured their blood, sweat, and tears for many, many years just to be here. Hence, I am unable to selfishly extend an invitation to you today on a mere whim nor pity as it would do no justice to their efforts."

These words implied that man's feelings of wanting to do something for JK.

Some bodyguards rushed over and stood directly between JK and that man hence blocking the silhouette of that man. That man, perhaps, did not even see how JK looked like.

"And that is why, when the day that you have the right to attend this event comes, please allow me the honour of personally extending to you an invitation to this event."

Fair, considerate, and warm.

JK had never come across, let alone seen, such a person in his entire life.

He had come to this country with only a small company under his belt. And to make matters worse, he came to his country with the intention of growing his wine business in order to snide the people who had put him through hardships. His heart was filled largely with negative emotions. Although such strong emotions can spur JK on and motivate him to push through several hardships, these emotions are largely temporary and destructive.

The feelings of anger and the reality of his powerlessness finally clashed after the various rejections he had experienced Ecuratol. But just as JK was about to give up on his dream, that person, at that very moment, pulled JK back onto his feet.

That person, being ushered hurriedly by the bodyguards, was quickly separated from JK.

JK wanted to do something for that man.

It was not because of hatred nor any negative emotions, but simply because he wanted to work hard for that person.

It was the very first time that JK had wanted to treasure someone else.

Something in the depths of JK's heart had begun to change.

And that was the premonition to the events that was about to occur between them,

JK could feel the very reason he joined this industry breaking down and falling apart. And once something had begun to crumble, it can no longer be put back together into its original form.

--- There will be a day where you will be able to attend this event.

Everything aboutJK had changed.

As he wanted a chance to meet that person once more.


During the banquet---

"Jimin, are you alright? You don't look well," concerned, Jin asked Jimin.

"......I'm fine."

Jimin shook his head lightly.

"You look really happy, Uncle Jin."

"Mm, I feel really blessed."

It was a very rare occasion that Jin would bring his partner to attend a banquet. It appears that this person was the playboy Jin's first, and also last serious partner in love.

That person was an absolutely stunning youth. Beautiful, and elegant.

Even his uncle was singing praises of happiness and love. It was only Jimin who was constantly being defiled by that terrible man.

"What happened? Do you want your uncle to comfort you?"

Just like most Mediterranean men, Jin did not dislike physical contact.

Jimin did not struggle against his uncle when Jin hugged Jimin. Jimin quietly burrowed his face into Jin's broad chest.

"It's rare that you obediently listen to me and not resist at all."

Jin was rather shocked at Jimin's behaviour. Although Jimin was relatively okay with physical contact when he was young, Jimin absolutely any sort of physical contact with others when he grew up. Thus, it was near impossible for anyone to hug him, let alone for him to willingly accept another's embrace. However, Jimin desperately needed to be in the arms and comfort of someone whom he knew would be of no harm to himself.

And those arms were definitely not that man's.

"Who knew that even you can be honest."

Seeing the usually aloof Jimin quietly accepting his cuddling, Jin was very happy.

"I'm indeed really happy. I have always liked you since you were a kid. You have always been a beautiful child, and so, so adorable."

Jin, as if teasing Jimin, hugged Jimin more forcefully.

At that very moment, Jimin felt as if an intense look was burning into him.

"What happened?"

Sensing that something was wrong with Jimin, Jin slowly released Jimin from his embrace.

In front of Jimin stood a man who had a look that would send chills down anyone's spine.

"I have some matters to deal with......I will take my leave first."

Jimin pushed Jin's hand away without hesitation. Although that gesture was merely a friendly one between family members, Jimin felt as if he should not remain in Jin's arms any longer.

"I wonder what happened," shrugged Jin as he took his leave from the banquet area.

Just as Jin took his leave, that man strode towards Jimin.

Jimin stood rooted to the same spot, unmoving.

And that was how the story of those two had begun.


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