Part one

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I am sat down in a small chair at a small table, the room is a bit dim. The light comes from the torches on the walls. I look around, feeling a bit nervous. "Why was I called in here?" I wonder to myself. Today started out just like any other day. I woke up, I got myself ready, and I got to work.

I was taken from my home at the age of 13. My best friend Joshua and I were chosen from our village. We were taken as servants for the throne. He was chosen as a soldier, and I as a maid. I wasn't very happy about being turned down as a soldier, but I am very grateful to Lady Sif. She taught me how to defend myself. But now, I am here.

I was informed that she wanted to see me. Why? We servants are usually summoned if we have out-stepped our boundaries. Did I do something wrong? Did I forget to do something? I look down at the table and realize I'm sweating. I wipe my forehead with the back of my hand. I hear footsteps coming down the hall. I get nervous again. I keep my head bowed looking at the table. Lady Sif enters the small room.

"Morning Jennifer." She greets as she sits in the chair across from me.

"Good morning Lady Sif." I reply looking up.

"Jen, there's no reason to be nervous." Sif tells me noticing my nervousness. I laugh nervously and look down again.

 "You haven't done anything wrong- that I know of." She jokes. I chuckle trying not to sound as nervous.

"I summoned you, because I received news that a certain someone's birthday had recently passed." Sif says with a grin. I'm not thinking clearly due to nervousness and look at her with a confused gaze. She chuckles softly.

"Jennifer, I was talking about you. Joshua was talking about you, with one of his buddies, and he mentioned it." Sif says amused.

"Oh..." I say trying not to smirk.

"How old are you now?" She asks looking down at her hands. I look up.

"16." I answer. She looks up at me.

"16?" she asks raising an eyebrow.

"Yes." I answer with a faint smirk.

"Well, I have some news then." She says standing up. I look up at her. I have been waiting to hear those words for three years.

"As you know, servants who come of age, are picked from the palace to better serve the royal family." Sif explains as she paces the small room. "You, have been chosen among a few other young servants, to be selected to serve the royal family." She stops and looks at me with a grin. My eyes light up and a smile spreads across my face.

"Your group will be chosen from tomorrow morning." Sif says.

I grin and she motions for me to rise.

"As for the rest of the day..." She pauses and looks out at the sky. It's mid-day/early evening. "You are relieved from your usual duties." She smiles.

"Thank you Lady Sif!" I exclaim softly.

"Enjoy the rest of your day, Jennifer." She says. I bow and she exits the room. I get excited and exit the room quickly. I hurry over to my quarters and change my attire from a servants dress, to leather pants and a 'dressy' green leather tunic. I grin as I exit my quarters and walk over to the court yard. Joshua is usually training there with his group. As I approach the court yard, I notice the young men lined up in attention. I lean on one of the huge pillars and watch. I spot Josh and smirk to myself. They are being lectured. But by who? I wonder to myself. I watch a bit more as I feel a hand creep up on my shoulder. I'm startled and all I can do is freeze. At the same time, I reach for my dagger sheath. Realizing I left it in my room, I turn to face the one who startled me. I turn to face a grinning Prince Loki.

"Tsk tsk tsk, it seems I've caught a spy."

"Prince Loki." I exclaim trying not to sound startled. I kneel. He motions for me to rise.

"Now what ever would a fair maiden as yourself be doing sneaking around the palace?" He asks me. I rise and blush.

"I... I was..." I stutter.

"You were...?" He asks giving me a sly smirk

"I was sneaking over to watch my friend." I say as I bow my head and fold my hands behind my back. He chuckles amused at my shyness.

"Which one?" He asks looking over my shoulder at the young soldiers. I smirk and look behind me.

"The one..." I point over at Joshua. As I turn, I recognize who's lecturing them. Prince Thor is facing Joshua with a sword and showing him the 'proper' way to grasp it. I chuckle and Prince Loki looks at me as I watch Josh.

"Ahh, I see." He says calling my attention. I turn back to face Prince Loki. His eyes are so green. I think to myself.

"So, what's your name? What is your business here in this part of the palace?" He asks me looking me up and down subtly.

"My name is Jennifer, your Highness." I answer bowing my head trying not to become angered at him looking me over.

I absolutely hate it when someone looks me over. It gets under my skin!

"I am but a servant girl. Lady..." I start as he cuts me off.

"Ahh, are you one of the servants chosen to be picked by the royal family?" He asks looking into my eyes, trying to figure out my character.

"Yes your Highness." I answer looking back. "Lady Sif spoke with me today, and gave me the news. She, she relieved me of the rest of my duties for today." I say bowing my head. He smiles as he looks from me, to behind me.

"Jennifer... I..." He says thinking looking down. "Your name sounds familiar... You... seem familiar." He says. I look at him.

"Have we met before?" He asks sincerely.

"I only recall greeting the Prince a couple days after I was chosen from my village." I answer.

"Perhaps that's where." He says still thinking. I chuckle.

"I... was the one who... who..." I say blushing from embarrassment.

"Aha!" he exclaims. "You were the girl who wanted to be a soldier." He states. I smile.

"Yes your Highness." I say looking down.

"How could I forget? You were the one who beat all of the young men while sparing!" He says with a chuckle. I grin and look up at him. The young soldiers are dismissed and Prince Thor walks over to where Prince Loki and I are. He is accompanied by Joshua.

"Brotha!" Prince Thor exclaims as he greets Prince Loki. Prince Thor greets Prince Loki with a brotherly hug. Joshua and I exchange glances. I make a face at him and he sticks his tongue at me and scrunches his nose. We laugh softly as he stands next to me. We look from each other, to see the Princes watching us in amusement. Josh chuckles and I blush softly and look down. Josh nudges me playfully.

"What are you two doing?" Prince Loki chuckles.

"Me and Jen are old friends." Josh says looking from Loki, to me, then Loki again. Thor looks over at Loki.

"Brotha, I must speak with you in private." He says. Loki sighs sarcastically. Prince Loki looks me in the eyes.

"It was a pleasure meeting you again, Jennifer." He says taking my hand, bowing slightly and kissing it. Josh gives me a look and I subtly smack him. Prince Loki rises and walks down the hall listening to Thor ramble on.

"Well, what was that about?" Josh asks chuckling.

"Be quiet!" I exclaim making a face at him. He laughs as we walk to the dining hall.

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