Part four

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My mind goes blank. He's a few inches taller than me so the first thing I see is his chest as I turn around. I stutter a bit, but I don't realize it because I'm still thinking about Josh's stupid warnings. I slowly raise my eyes from his chest to his face. He has an amused expression. His mouth is moving, but I don't hear any words coming out. I realize he's talking to ME. I have a mini panic attack then quickly bow in hopes of not embarrassing myself anymore. The noise of the dining hall has gone down due to soldiers leaving.
"You may rise." I hear the Prince say. He chuckles as he makes his way around me to the other side of the table. He stops at where Josh was seated.
"Is this seat taken?" He asks me with an innocent yet firm tone.
"No your Highness." I answer a bit nervous. He sits down and I look at the table. My eyes lock on the dirty plates Josh and I were using. My servant instinct kicks in and I begin cleaning with out another thought.
"Darling, I thought you had the evening off." Prince Loki calls over to me with a smirk.
"I am, I just..." I start as I set the pile of dishes on the far side of the table. He chuckles and looks down.
"You don't have to be so nervous around me." He says with a grin as he glances around the dining hall.
"I... I'm sorry." I apologize as I fold my hands behind my back and lower my head. He chuckles- amused at my nervousness.
"It's Jennifer... right?" He asks looking me in the eye. I become extremely nervous and clear my throat as silently as I can.
"Yes your Highness." I answer. He smiles warmly.
"Jennifer, please have a seat." He says motioning to the seat in front of me. I sit down trying to figure out what I should do next.

"Can I ask you a question?" Prince Loki asks looking away from me. I glance quickly over to him, then look down. I have no idea what to say.
"Are you afraid of me?" He asks in a calm tone. I look up and make eye contact, a confused expression on my face. He chuckles.
"A rather strange question I can imagine, but please, there is a reason for it." He adds returning the eye contact. I open my mouth to answer, but before I can say anything, he interrupts me.
"You may speak freely." He says smiling. Something about his facial expression is telling me I should tread lightly. When he looks into my eyes, it feels like he's looking into my inner consciousness. I try my best to ignore the feeling.
"M'lord, in all honesty..." I start and look down. Prince Loki re-positions himself anticipating my next words.
"I respect you to the highest degree. There are some servants whom try to spread rumors with me. I was taught and trained to ignore such nonsense. Although I must say, some of the rumors struck fear into the hearts of the servants spreading them." I finish as I look up.
"And what of you?" He asks.
"I was taught never to," I chuckle and look down. "never to judge a book by it's cover." I smile and look up. He looks away, thinking on my words.
"What kind of rumors?" Prince Loki asks with a serious tone.
"One was, well, the most recent one, was implying that your Highness, well..." I looks down again.
"Jennifer, I'm not going to let myself become angered over an insignificant rumor." He says trying to comfort me.
"It was implying that Prince Loki used," I start as I look up at him. "magic to make a maid vanish because she was caught snooping around his room." I say keeping my tone calm. He chuckles.
"As I said, insignificant rumors." He scoffs. I chuckle softly. He looks over at me.
"So, do you have a favorite part of the palace?" He asks.
"I like the palace garden. It's just so beautiful, and peaceful." I answer. He smiles.
"Do you have any hobbies?" He asks. I begin to wonder why a Royal (that's what they're considered among the servants) would be taking interest in a servant like me...
"I enjoy reading, when I can find the time." I answer. He glances around again. The dining hall has become quieter.
"That's better." He says. I make eye contact with him.
"I prefer quiet places myself. I rather enjoy reading." He says with a smile. "Who was the young man sitting with you earlier?" He asks with a curious tone.
"He was the young man I was trying to sneak up on earlier today." I answer with a smirk. "His name is Joshua. He's like a brother to me." I add. Prince Loki glances around.
"Jennifer, would you care to join me for a walk?" He asks with a confidant smile.

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