Part twelve

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I wake up in my room. The sunlight pouring through the window is blinding my tired eyes. I groan as I grab my pillow and pull it over my face.
"That dream again?" I ask myself. It seems like every night I've been having this dream. It's not really a dream, it's more like a flashback. Loki has been gone for quite a few years now, and that day was a long time ago. I decide to get up and get started with the day. I toss my pillow to the side and throw the covers off. I sit up and force myself out of bed. I walk to the bathroom and get myself ready for the day. I exit the bathroom and see my clock, I'm a bit late, but nevertheless... I walk out of my room and head straight into the kitchen. As I pick up my apron, I hear a commotion rushing down the hallway. I hear a blood curdling scream and freeze right where I am. After a few seconds, I hear heavy breathing coming from the hallway outside of the kitchen. I really don't want to investigate, but I force my legs to move. I reluctantly walk to the doorway of the kitchen. I peer out into the hallway. I look to the right, empty. I look to the left and I see a woman. I see a woman on the ground, she's bleeding heavily. I rush over to her without taking another thought.
"No!! Get away!! Go!! Run!!" She starts screaming. I'm confused at first and frankly, a little concerned. She points behind me but it's too late. As soon as I turn my head, I'm grabbed from behind. I struggle as the attacker thrusts backward and knocks me off my feet. I can feel the attacker is covered in armor, so I assume it's a male. I aim my kicks for the groin area.

The attacker drag/carries me through the hallway away from the dying woman. I continue to struggle but my strength is nothing compared to this guy. I stop struggling and gain my strength again. The attacker drags me quickly out of the hallways and toward the palace doors. Just as he is unsuspecting it, I jab my elbow into his shoulder and he yelps in pain as he releases me. I turn to run and he grabs me by my hair. I throw my hands behind me and grab my hair, I stop pulling forward due to pain. The attacker pulls me back, he wraps his hands around my face. One holding my nose, and one around my mouth. I begin to suffocate. I struggle as much as I can but no matter what I do, I can't pry his hands off of my face. Everything begins to go black.
"This is it... This is really it..." I think to myself as I pass out.

*          *          *

"Wake up." A voice calls. "Wake up." It calls again. I begin trying to open my eyes, my eyelids feel so heavy and I have a headache. I open my eyes but can't see anything. "Wake up!" The voice exclaims. I blink my eyes once, I see a flicker of light. I blink three more times, my vision begins to come back to me. I dart my eyes back and fourth and blink several more times. My head is still hurting. When my vision fully returns to me, I feel groggy. I look around and come to realize I'm in a tent. "Good evening." I hear the same voice say. I look around a bit confused at first, then I see where the voice is coming from. A blonde male soldier is standing to my left. I try to move my hands to my head but fail. I look down and see they're tied to the sides of the chair I'm seated in.
"Wh-where am I?" I ask still a bit groggy.
"So she can speak." The blonde soldier chuckles.
"What?" I ask still trying to fully wake up.
"You're at base camp little lady." The blonde soldier says as he takes a couple steps and stands in front of me.
"Where is that, exactly?" I ask managing sarcasm through my groggy haze.
"Sam are you talking to yourself again?" I hear another male voice call from outside the tent. The blonde soldier sighs, rolls his eyes and steps toward the opening of the tent. Another soldier enters the tent and chuckles.
"Look who's awake." The blonde soldier says as he motions to me. The second soldier looks from the blonde soldier to me, then back to the blonde soldier again.
"I'll inform the Prince." The second soldier says. He turns back around and exits the tent.
"You're lucky we found you." The blonde soldier says as he walks to the tent entrance, folds his hands behind his back, and looks out.
"We?" I ask regaining full consciousness.
"Over here!" I hear the same voice of the second soldier exclaim as he approaches the tent.
"She better not have been harmed!" I hear a very familiar voice exclaim from just outside the tent. The blonde soldier takes multiple steps back as Prince Thor enters the tent. He looks from the blonde soldier to me. He smiles and his eyes light up as he sees me. I haven't seen Thor since Loki went power crazy.
"Jennifer!" Thor greets. I smile in relief. "Untie her." He commands.
"Yes your Highness." The blonde soldier answers as he walks over and unties my hands and feet. I stand as Thor walks over to me and wraps me in a tight bear hug. I hug him back.
"Where have you been all this time?" I ask.
"What have you heard?" He asks as he releases me.
"I know about the people who have been trying to wreak havoc on the palace. I've heard that you left to bring peace to the nine realms. I've heard that now you're trying to remove the people..." I start as Thor cuts me off.
"Rebels." He says.
"That's what they're called now?" I ask with a bit of sarcasm in my tone.
"Jennifer, do you know how you got here?" He asks with a concerned expression. I shake my head.
"Jennifer," Thor pauses and looks into my eyes with great concern. "we found a small rebel camp and decided to get rid of it. When we came upon it, we found you in one of their tents, unconscious and vulnerable." He finishes. My eyes widen in fear of what could have happened.
"I... I don't know what to say... I... Thank you for rescuing me..." I say, a bit shaken.

"Jennifer, I must ask you..." Thor starts, but pauses.
"What?" I ask sitting back down in the chair. Thor looks at the blonde soldier still in the tent.
"Can I speak with her alone?" He asks with an authoritative tone. The soldier salutes Thor, then exits the tent. Thor looks back at me. I raise my eyebrows in curiosity. "Have you heard anything from Loki?" He asks as he looks down.
"Thor, I haven't seen Loki in three years." I answer while trying to keep my tone from saddening.
"He hasn't visited you recently?" Thor asks hoping I'll give him a bit more information without him having to ask.
"Loki and I got married seven years ago. C'mon, you know this. He went power crazy and disappeared off of the rainbow bridge four years after. He didn't visit, I didn't receive any letters, obviously not even one thought." I answer with a hint of frustration in my tone.
"You're certain?" He asks.
"Yes! The last time we were in the same place was when you brought him back from Midgard to be judged for his crimes. I was in a dark place then and didn't see him. I wouldn't! I couldn't!" I pause and put my head in my hands. Thor looks at me.
"You still love him?" Thor asks carefully.
"What do you think?" I ask sarcastically while looking down.
"I have some news that you might find a bit surprising..." Thor pauses.
"Go on." I say as I wipe a tear from my face and look back up at him.
"Loki was, well..." He struggles to say what he has to say.
"Just say it plainly please. Get it over with." I say a bit annoyed at this point.
"Loki was killed in battle." He blurts out. His eyes meet mine.
"And?" I ask still annoyed.
"What do you mean, 'and'?" He asks, a bit hurt.
"There has to be some reason you're telling me this.. I mean, right? He's been dead to me for a year now..." I answer.
"Jennifer..." Thor starts as he takes a step toward me.
"No, Thor. We were together for three years... I haven't seen my husb- I haven't seen Loki in four years... He's dead to me anyway." I interrupt him. Thor looks turns away.
"We have reason to believe Loki's not dead." He says.
"Then why did you say he was killed?" I ask officially annoyed by this point. Thor stays silent, I sigh. "What's your reason?" I ask as I roll my eyes.
"We can't find the body." He answers as he turns to face me.
"And you think he came back to me?" I ask sarcastically.
"After seeing how much he loves you, indeed." Thor answers. I roll my eyes.
"Funny, he has a strange way of showing it." I say sarcastically.

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