Roman Reigns (requested) - Kissing The Perfect Enemy

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Hi guys! Sorry I haven't updated in a while. This is for both Ashley_Hunter and RyderBalfageo who both requested very similar stories. So here it is! Hope you all enjoy it :)

Character name: Isabella

Love interest: Roman Reigns

Status: Secretly hooking up

Type: Basically just kissing so fluff I guess??

Plot idea: Isabella is the daughter of Vince McMahon but that doesn't stop her from getting what she really wants.

My hands were unresponsive as I was shoved somewhere that my eyes didn't catch a glimpse of and my brain couldn't recognise. But I wasn't scared. I knew those hands and the vast patterns that surrounded the arm carrying it. I knew that sudden possessiveness in unexpected places, like backstage at a Smackdown taping. And I knew those lips.

Those bearded, rough and sweet lips that claimed mine like both of our lives depended on it, when infact, the very risk of kissing a man like this put that on the line, and more.

It was without a doubt, worth it. The thought of my angel sister Stephanie walking in right now only drove me to kiss back more passionately. Defying rules and authority and family made my mouth water, but not as much as this rugged man's lips did.

Hands roamed freely as out hearts beat in time, my back pressed against the cold hard wall and our breaths mixing as the wild kiss continued. It was perfect and it was familiar and it was unique.

It was Roman.

He pulled away, out of breath. I finally opened my eyes, my lips tingling with those post-kiss sensations that I had become used to. His blue eyes burned into my hazel ones. "Isabella," he breathed, his satisfyingly deep voice giving me butterflies.

I didn't say anything as his huge hands grabbed my face. There was a pause as we stared each other down.

"So... your dad hates me, your sister hates me, you're supposed to hate me, but here we are, makin' out like teenagers in a closet in the back,"

We shared a smile before I responded.

"Roman, I don't care about them. You are all I've ever wanted and if I have to claw my way though the shadow of my family to get you, I will. You know I will,"

Roman chuckled. "Rebellious, confident - I like your style, McMahon,"

"I'm smart, as well. Don't forget smart," I corrected with a grin. He smirked before lifting my chin up. Our lips met again. It was excruciatingly short as he pulled away almost immediately.

"As long as you stay rebellious, confident - smart" he whispered, putting emphasis on the last word. "We will never get caught. And trust me, I could do this forever,"

He caught my lips again and it was magical; knowing I was defying the rules and we were both down with that, made my brain sizzle with the possible opportunities and danger.

"Me too," I whispered. "I love you,"

"I love you too,"

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