Paige - Hate (f/f)

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Character name - Lucy

Love interest - Paige

Status - Friends with benefits

Type - Very fluffy with sexual references, references to alcohol, and some light swearing.

Plot idea - To everyone else, Lucy and Paige were enemies. Their private life, however, tells a very different story. One morning after one of their routine nights together changes their dynamic forever. 

I wrote this just as a drabble years ago so I'm sorry if its not great, I just think the concept is cute and interesting and would be open to making this a multi chapter thing if anyone's open to it. Obviously it's outdated as Paige is now retired but suspend your disbelief here guys 😂 Also sorry for not posting for 5 years lol if anyone has any requests feel free to hit me up, I will get round to it this time I PROMISE!😂


Lucy edged open her eye to almost complete darkness, broken only by the musky orange that was infiltrating through the red hotel curtains. As she slowly rolled over to her left, her eyes barely open, she saw that the body that accompanied her was one of a familiar slender, pale young woman.
It was Paige. The beautiful, British, black-haired sweetheart.
She discovered very quickly that she was glad it was a Saturday - she didn't have to get on a plane until tomorrow and had no shows or appearances planned for the day.
A day of takeaway pizzas and movies in bed, then. 

She gazed at the girl in the bed. Her long, raven hair was messily strewn all over the pillows, and her face was soft (Lucy noted that she had forgotten to take off her makeup and would not be happy when she woke up and found out) - her body was majestically curled around the duvet, her dress barely covering her bottom half. Lucy was immediately made aware that she was wearing nothing but the shirt and panties she'd had on the day before. The day when the pair had gone out to a crowd of thousands, beat the ever-loving crap out of one another, and convinced the whole world they hated each other. Not in the "storyline" - in real life. They wanted to make everyone believe that their on-screen feud was not limited to the confines of a TV, including their peers and bosses. So far, it was working. What a shock they would get if they saw the two of them now. Sharing a hotel room, with the one that management booked for Lucy eerily empty on the other side of the building, as they made sure to separate the two. They couldn't risk another public spat between them, like had happened backstage so many times at live events after a supposed "botch" or "stiff move" had them both seeing red after a match. Well, that's what they believed. It was far from the truth. It was all an elaborate plot to create a story that no one could ignore - as well as a beard for their secret. They were in a romantic relationship. Forged red of anger was more realistically pure red of passion. Their love was as physical as their hate in the ring but with a tenderness that no one could see apart from them, in their most intimate, precious moments that could only be shared in private. This was usually after a night of drinking store bought whiskey until the early hours, just like last night, ending in a messy pile of the two half naked bodies sleeping but aching to get as close to each other as possible, with swollen lips and love bites as proof of their effort. 

Lucy rolled over to her left as delicately as she could so as to not wake the sleeping beauty, and picked up her phone. 9:18 AM. She made the immediate decision to go back to sleep - she would regret it otherwise, as she often found herself napping on days like these where she could be spending precious time with Paige.
She suddenly became hyper-aware of any noise she made. She didn't want to wake Paige. She cringed at the rustling of the bed sheets and the groan the bed made as she shuffled and slowly tried to get under the duvet. Barely any of it was covering her, because Paige was cuddling half of it, but she didn't dare tug. Paige looked way too peaceful for her to even consider disturbing her.
She closed her eyes and let sleep engulf her once again.

It was the slight tickling sensation underneath her nose that woke her again, and this time bright light was streaming in through the still closed curtains. But perhaps the greatest change in the environment was, undoubtedly, the body that was placed ungracefully on top of her own. Lucy smiled contentedly to herself - Paige, in the sleep ridden state that she was, had laid herself on top of Lucy, clinging gently onto her waist and resting her head on her shoulder. It was very warm and cuddly and rather enjoyable. Paige's chest was rising and falling evenly, her hair slightly blocking Lucy's own breathing, but not that she minded. Her right leg was wrapped around Lucy's own and the other was spread over the sheets. Lucy didn't even mind that she had been woken up.
She gently moved her right hand that had been resting underneath her head, and put it so that she could stroke Paige's hair. She didn't know what possessed her to do such an affectionate thing, but really, what did it matter? Their actions the night previous had been a lot less subtle. 
"Ughhh..." Came a groan. Lucy snapped her hand away.
"Sorry, did I wake you up?" She whispered.
"No... Keep doing it..." Paige whimpered, her voice broken with sleepiness and phlegm.
Lucy grinned and felt a jolt in her stomach. "Okay."
So she put her hand back where it was, and massaged Paige's head gently.
"What time is it?" asked Paige quietly, after a few minutes passed.
"I'll check now," said Lucy, attempting to reach across to retrieve her phone. But the weight was too much on her torso, and her fingertips barely grazed her phone. "You'll have to get off, I can't reach."
"Uggghhh" Paige moaned, as she rolled onto her side. Lucy grabbed her phone and turned it on.
"Half twelve."
"Oh, fuck," Paige mumbled. "No shows today... Right?"
"Yeah. No planes either," Lucy informed her. She turned, phone still in hand, and got back under the (now evenly distributed) covers.
"Thank god for that," Paige announced.
"I know," Lucy stifled a yawn. "Film day?"
"Yes. God, yes." Paige yawned too, her back to Lucy on the other side of the hotel bed.
A moment passed as Lucy scrolled through Twitter. "Cuddle me, Lucy."
"What?" Lucy asked, surprised at the abruptness of the command.
"Cuddle me, Lucy, I'm hung over and I need to be cuddled."
"Fair enough."
Lucy rolled on her side and shuffled so that she was closer to the smaller woman. She then, conscious of her own actions and not wanting to seem shy nor too abrupt, placed her hand around the front of Paige and pulled her seamlessly against her front, wrapping her legs around her bottom half. Paige's warmth was pressed against Lucy's chest and it was pleasant. So pleasant, in fact, that Lucy breathed out with a small groan and nuzzled her head in the crook of Paige's neck.
"We are such relationship goals," Paige whispered. Lucy smiled into her shoulder.
"That's us."
A minute later, after a comfortable silence broken only by their breathing, Paige spoke again. "Last night was good,"
"Yeah. I was absolutely shit faced."
"Me too, probably worse than you,"
"Probably." Lucy paused, trying to think of the right words to say next. "Do you remember what we talked about?"
"Bloody hell, Lucy, I just said I was shit faced, didn't I?"
"No, I know, but like - there was one thing we said. I don't remember much myself. But we talked about something and it was quite strange, but good, and I just thought you might have remembered. But if you were that shit faced then it doesn't matter." Lucy said, quite embarrassed that she had brought it up. 
"Actually..." Paige began. Lucy had a gut feeling she wouldn't forget. "Yeah, there was one thing." An unbearable pause lingered, the atmosphere thick with expectation. 

"I wonder if we're thinking of the same thing." mumbled Lucy.

"Well." started Paige, shuffling herself so she was now facing her lover. She traced her fingers up the taller girl's sides, looking deep into the eyes that met her with admiration. "I remember kissing you like we had never even kissed each other before. Like teenagers getting their first taste." Her voice was low and dark, dripping with danger and promise. She watched as Lucy's eyes flickered to look at her lips with hunger, and back up to her eyes while licking her own lips with a smile. "And we talked a lot of shit, about how hot we find each other - the usual. But you came out with something I've never heard you say before. Something... cute."

"Really?" Lucy asked with a shy grin. Internally, however, she was worrying that she was about to get ripped to shreds for her impulsive, drunken actions. 

"Yeah. You told me you loved me." 

"I did, didn't I." Lucy breathed, breaking the eye contact to close her eyes, imagining the moment. She had butterflies, dreading where this was going. She had definitely taken this whole thing a step too far. But she couldn't bring herself to say it was a mistake or that she was too drunk to know what she was saying, because it just wasn't true. She did love Paige; she loved every inch of her and wanted to touch and taste and appreciate it all. She was broken out of her own thoughts by Paige's delicate touch on her face. 

"Do you remember what I said back?" Paige said, tracing shapes on her cheek. Lucy still couldn't bring herself to meet her gaze, because she knew for a fact that she had passed out straight after saying those 3 dreadful words, and couldn't answer. Why did she have to be such a careless idiot after a few Jack Daniels? Why couldn't she have waited until the right moment to say it? Or just not say anything at all, ever, and be happy with what she had? 

Paige waited for an answer that never came, so began again softly. "You passed out on top of me, I could barely see straight but I was thinking clearer than ever. I whispered in your ear that I love you too. And you may have said it out of drunkenness, but I didn't... I meant it." 

Lucy's heart was shocked into action, feeling so happy that it could break. She looked back up and gazed at Paige with a desperate look, "I meant it too, truly. I love you so much." she whispered, scared that if she spoke too loudly she would scare Paige away. She watched as the smile on Paige's face grew wider, and was taken by surprise by her leaning forward and catching her in a sweet kiss. Nothing like their wild, passion driven nights. This was precious, soft, meaningful. Paige's hand was grabbing Lucy's face slightly, as Lucy pushed Paige's hair out of her face and stroked her head. The kiss was beginning to deepen when Paige pulled away, smiling and looking at Lucy with intent. 

"It's so hard to pretend to hate you." she said simply, before pressing herself closely against her and kissing her again.

WWE One ShotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora