Dolph Ziggler (requested) - TLC

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Character name: Ivana Bourne

Love interest: Dolph Ziggler

Status: Engaged

Type: fluff and angst, light swearing

Plot summary: Dolph faces a setback and needs some TLC (tender loving care - definitely not tables, ladders and chairs). M/F first person. 

Thanks for the request HuffyCupcakePuffy , I hope you like this one! This is the same relationship seen in "Date Night" so could be read as a sequel or as a standalone fic. Sorry for taking a while with any requests; I am currently sitting exams so I have been quite busy. Hope you all like this fluffy goodness.


Sitting backstage at RAW, I felt my usual mix of nerves and adrenaline as I watched my fiancee, Dolph, wrestle in front of the thousands in attendance and millions watching at home. I was in catering with my friends that I had made through Dolph's job - Becky Lynch, the Uso's, and Seth Rollins being a few that were there at this moment. They were all really welcoming to me whenever I joined Dolph or Evan Bourne (my twin brother) on tour and I was really grateful. I never felt out of place or awkward.

Dolph had just hit a DDT on his opponent, Kofi Kingston, and I smiled. He was so skilful and nimble in the ring, it really was amazing to see. I was so happy for him that after his little break from wrestling, during which he went on a comedy tour, he was able to come back and make a huge impact, going for the WWE championship. I admired his work ethic because he was not only making audiences laugh every night in a new city while he was away, but going to the gym every day as well as training when he could. I could tell it was paying off as he was pulling off some of his best work ever in the ring as we all watched.

But suddenly, catching me completely off guard, he whipped Kofi onto the ropes and leapfrogged him, jumping very high and landing... awkwardly. The way his foot seemed to twist and his entire left leg gave way set alarms bells ringing in my mind.

"Oooh, that looked nasty!" exclaimed Jey Uso. He lay limp on the mat, clutching his leg, face contorted in pain.

"Shit." I said quietly. Becky gave me a look of concern as I watched the ref bend over to check on him. He looked like he was trying to pretend he was okay, which I could tell he wasn't by the way he was limping as he tried to stand up. He was making gestures to the referee as if to say, "Leave me alone, I'm fine!" That was typical Dolph. Never wanting to let anyone down, even if it was at his own expense. He managed to stand in the middle of the ring and allow Kofi to hit the SOS for the pin, clearly ending the match prematurely. I thought that he had maybe just sprained it at first, but when the referee threw up an 'X' with his arms I was immediately sprung into action, standing up and basically sprinting down the corridors, ignoring everyone's shouts after me. I had learned in wrestling that when a referee did that, you panic. I didn't look at anyones face, focused only on reaching gorilla for when Dolph would be there so I could be by his side. I was so worried, my heart was beating incredibly fast, almost in a state of panic. My only hope was that it was a false alarm, that he would be okay.

I reached the gorilla position and some other WWE personnel were there, obviously discussing him in their hushed tones. One of the referees who I was familiar with, Charles Robinson, saw me and gave me a sympathetic look. He could probably see the fear on my face.
"Hey, Ivana. Dolph's okay, he's on his way up now to the ramp with some help. We suspect a broken ankle or leg, or potentially a torn tendon."
My eyes filled up. "Oh, god." I choked, nearly breaking down but stopping myself. Sure, I know they're not the most serious injuries in the world, but when you're a professional sportsman, incidents like this can put your career on hold or even put it to an end. Dolph had prided himself for so long on his ability to work safely and never having to take time out for an injury and my heart hurt at the thought of how disappointed he would be. I glanced over at one of the monitors and saw they had quickly moved on to the next segment on RAW. I only hoped Dolph could move on from this as quickly.

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