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If I Could Fly- One Direction

Unknown Time
[Unknown Location]

It's been days, I think. I can't tell, but I feel so weak. She hasn't fed me at all. It feels like it's been weeks since I've eaten. She beats me every time she comes down, and now I'm too week to fight back. Yesterday (I think) she brought in this guy, who I don't know the name of, and he started beating me worse than Lola did.  My head hangs as I sit in the dark, alone, because I feel too weak to lift it up. That is, until the door swings open. I slowly lift my head up and meet the dark brown eyes of The Man, an evil smirk etched into his features. My eyes widen and he un-tapes my feet and arms from the chair. I wince as he roughly grasps my wrist, hauling me out of the chair, forcing me to stand up. I'm not standing for long, though, as he throws me to the ground. As I'm on the ground, I'm facing the wall of the stairs and door. I notice Lola holding my phone up, obviously recording.

I furrow my eyebrows and look back up at The Man just in time to see him lift his foot, colliding  and most likely breaking my ribs. I cry out in pain and look over at Lola who is smirking at my phone. The Man kicks me once more before kneeling down in front of me. At this point in time, Lola has already stripped me of my clothes besides my undergarments, for some weird fucking reason, leaving me very vulnerable in this moment. The man roughly grabs my waist, dragging me on the concrete ground towards him. His thumb lightly glides over the band of my panties and I whimper in fear. He hooks both of his thumbs under the band, about to pull them down, when Lola shouts.

"Wait! She agreed!" She screeches. The Man unhooks his thumbs from the band of my underwear while rolling his eyes. He lifts me by my wrist again and I cry out in pain as my side feels like it's toppling in on itself. He shoves me back in the chair while Lola throws my clothes at me.

"Change. We're leaving."

12:39 P.M.
[Los Angeles, California]

I haven't slept in a week. I'm worried sick about Krissy. I currently have my head rested on Brandon's lap as we watch a movie. I have my phone close to me at all times, just incase. My phone dings, and I immediately shoot up, causing Brandon to jump at the sudden action. I snatch the device from the coffee table, looking at the notification. It's from Krissy- or Krissy's kidnapper. It's a video of Krissy. She has nothing but a bra and underwear. There's a man, his back facing the camera. He picks up his foot and kicks her. Hard. She cries out in pain and my hand flies up to my mouth. A tear slips out and I look at Brandon who looks bored. He just rolls his eyes and scrolls through his phone.

"That's it. I'm paying them that fucking money. I'm tired of them hurting my love." I say, tears rolling down my cheeks. Finneas walks in from the kitchen, brows furrowed as he takes in my tear stained cheeks and angered eyes.

"Your 'love'? What am I?" He mocks. "You're wasting 30 fucking grand on some stupid girl?" Q asks, and that's when I've had enough. At this point, I have more feelings for Krissy (which I didn't even know I liked girls until she came along) than I do for him and he's talking about her like she's a piece of fucking meat.

"You know what, Brandon? We're done. You're a rude piece of shit that I don't want in my life anymore. I have more feelings for Krissy than I do for you, so get the fuck out of my house!" I scream at him. Finneas looks shocked, and 7 looks mad. He stands up without a word and walks out the door, slamming it on his way out.

"You have feelings for Krissy?" Finn asks.

"Shut up." I snap. "We're going to the bank."

"You're really going to give it to them?" He asks.

"I have no other choice!" I snap. "They're hurting her!"

"Okay, chill out Bil. We'll go to the bank." He states, grabbing his keys.

1:20 P.M.
Placing the black backpack on the bench in the park, I look around. Children are playing on the swings and slides without a care in the world. The sky is blue and it's a nice day out. I look at the parked cars, taking note of every car and van. I take a deep breath and walk back to my car. I was told to have it there by 1:30. I slide back into my car and watch the bag intently. Ten minutes later at 1:30 on the dot, I get a text. It's the kidnappers saying that they're picking it up. I snap my head up and watch as a man walks out of a van and up to the backpack. I hold my breath as I watch him take it back to the black van he came from.

Moments later, I see someone being shoved out of the van as they speed away. My eyes widen and I take no hesitation in jumping out of the car and sprinting toward the figure standing up from the ground. As Krissy turns around I immediately engulf her in a hug and smash my lips to hers.

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