2. a violation of human rights

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I walk extra slow on my way towards the library trying to enjoy my last few minutes of freedom. As I get towards the library entrance I can hear the principal vernon's voice.

"Here we are! I want to congratulate you for being on time," He announces just as I knock on the door behind him.

"I want to deeply apologise for my tardiness sir. You see I had better things to do." I joke with a straight face. I hear a chuckle behind me and I turn around to see the school bad boy. Bender.

"One more joke and your here next Saturday." He says sternly as I go and sit on the table Benders chair is tucked into. Right behind this girl Claire and this boy Andrew.

"Excuse me, sir? I think there's been a mistake. I don't think I belong here..." Claire announces. She's pretty much a well rounded sorta girl. Pretty, kind, boring, fashionable. Basic I guess. I never really had a problem with her until what she just said. Does she think any of us deserve to be here?

"It is now 7:06. You have exactly eight hours and fifty-four minutes to think about why you're here." Vernon announces and I must admit I praise him for ignoring Claire's stupid remark. In the corner of my eye I spot Bender spit in the air and catch it. Well, this is certainly going to be a long 8 hours...

"-and you will not talk, you will not move from these chairs." Vernon continues as Claire gags at Benders spitting activities.

"And you!" Vernon shouts as he makes his way over to Bender and I's table and pulls the chair that Benders feet were resting on from under him. "Will not sleep." Vernon finishes turning on his heels making his way to the front again.

"Alright people, we're going to try something a little different today. You're going to write an essay, no less than a thousand words, describing who you think you are." He describes to us and I throw my head back and moan.

"That's the thing sir. We're in high school. It's part of our personalities not to know who we are." I speak up causing Andrew to laugh little in agreement I assume.

"Is this a test?" Bender asks causing me to chuckle a little. Even if it was a test he couldn't care less. However, Vernon once again ignores him and begins to hand out pens and paper.

"When I say essay I mean essay. I don't mean a single word repeated a thousand times." He snaps looking in me and Benders direction but I just raise my hands in defence.

"Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself, maybe you'll even decide whether or not you care to return." He says and i'm not sure whether he's kidding or not. Who the hell would want to return to detention?

"You know, I can answer that right now sure, that'd be a no, for me." I hear someone behind me announce. I turn around to see a boy standing up behind his desk. He looks like one of the smart kids, I think I've seen him in the hallways.

"Sit down Johnson." Vernon cuts him off. God this guys such a douche!

"Thank you sir." The boy replies politely and sits down. Oh the poor kid. He's so polite it's actually sorta cute. I feel a little bad for him because I can't begin to imagine how badly Bender will torture him today.

"My office is right across that hall. Any monkey business is ill advised. Any questions?" Vernon begins to wrap up.

"Yeah I got a question." Bender replies raising his hand. Oh no. I'm excited to hear what he's going to say but I hope he doesn't get us all in here next Saturday.

"Does Barri Manilow know you raid his wardrobe?" Bender questions and I have to use all my strength to hold back a gut wrenching laugh. Oh he really is good. My laughter is somewhat suspended with the look Vernon gives Bender. Oh if looks could kill.

"I'll give you the answer the that question next Saturday. Don't mess with the bull young man, you'll get the horns." Vernon replies before walking out of the library and heading to his office. Poor Bender. I can't even imagine having to spend another whole Saturday in here. That's like having a one day weekend! Surely there's some kind of human rights law against that...

Hey everyone!

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Till next time x

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 27, 2019 ⏰

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