The Pathways

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Iris slow walked to her dorm room, careful not to intervene with anyone's conversations. She quickly hopped up the staircase to her dorm and opened it with care, hoping not to anger the hood person. She looked up and saw a small ladder floating in mid-air. "Hey Iris" a powerful voice came. "Hey Ruby" She answered. "Have you any idea how hard a grow spell is? I've been trying for aaages now and all I've done is make this thing fly" Ruby grumbled. Iris turned to her and smirked, she took out 'Begin learnig Simple Spells' by Lacey Patrick, from under bed and flicked to the 'Simple Grow Spell for the More Advanced' page and spun her finger around in the motion of the book. A yellow drift of sparkles shot towards the ladder and it grew to the floor. "Thanks" Ruby congratulated. "What do you need it for anyways?" Iris questioned. Ruby smirked "Have you any idea of the huge other room connected to ours? That's how the girl gets in every day. This isn't her dorm room. Those so called 'teachers' were actually her friends helping her get her bed in. Now, I need to find the girl who actually belongs here. I wo't be a minute" And with that said, Ruby climbed up the ladder and crawled off through the distance. Iris looked up. 'I really don't need anyone getting into danger here today' Iris thought. So she climbed up after Ruby and crawled through the pipe. 'It's a bit squashed in here, isn't it?' Iris thought as she climbed through the tunnel. Eventually, she saw light and started to crawl quicker towards it before she noticed the trail still went on. Sh came to the end and almost fell off the edge. "WOAH!" Iris trembled 'That was close' She thought. Edging against the wall, she followed Ruby to another side. Suddenly, she started maing a full grown bridge without any magic! Iris quickly followed and notiiced that it happened to her as well. The were simply gliding over te thin air above the halfway point. 'There's no way she's getting hrough the halfway point' Iris thought, remebering that it only let Nevers through if you were a never. Unbelievably though, Ruby simply went through with ease, as if there was no wall whatsoever. It was arriving towards her as well but the same thing happened, she simply glided through it. The view was tremendously different here though. The fog around the castle made her coug and sneeze. Blind as a bat, she carried o through the path, barely able to see Ruby anymore. The feeling of joy from walking on air suddely sank as she felt hard rock beneath her feet. The fog was clearer here and she could make out Ruby's tall figure shifting over the walls. There was yet another tunnel after that and after a whole load more crawling, she was there. In the Nevers' castle.

Author's Note: I'm sorry if I make short chapters. The reason for this is the fact I take my chapters from where I actually write them and try to copy paste all the text here. It looks like the stories are small here but there on the official SGE website they look quite huge so sorry if the need for long chapters are not fulfilled here.

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