The End

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Hey DIRECTIONERS well the people who actually waited for me to update..

I'm really sorry for not updating sooner I've been really busy with school work since I'm only in year 7 and get like EVERY assignment at once..

Anyway this is going to be the last chapter it'll be sad but please let me know if you liked my book PLEASE COMMENT I FEEL LONELY WHEN YOU DON'T and I want to know who reads my book so yeah..



Maria's POV

It's been 3 and a half years since Harry and I got married. Since then Ella and Zayn, Niall and Jazi, Louis and Kayla, Jaythene and Liam, Flo and Josh and Nina (Louis' sister) and Stan had gotten married.

I had twins. One boy and one girl. Our little girl is called Darcy and our little boy is called Mario. They are both 1 year old and can speak a few words and walk/run.

Jazi had a girl called Mary, Kayla had a boy called Beau, Flo and Nina were not pregnant but Ella and Jaythene were pregnant and both dew in 3 months.

So the One Direction family has grown over the past 5 years since that's how long ago me, Maya and Kayla had met the boys.

Today was the day that they were coming back from tour and we were waiting at the airport.

I was holding Darcy since she there were a lot of fans around and Ella was holding Mario for me. Jazi was holding Mary and Kayla was holding Beau.

We were signing some autographs for the girls that asked an all of a sudden the girls start screaming and Darcy jumps out of my arms and run in the direction behind me.

I turn around and instantly smile.

I run over to Harry and jump into his arms after he put down Darcy and Mario. Harry picks me up and spins me around. He puts me down and gives me a peck on the lips.

The fans 'awe' and I turn around to see Niall and Jazi kissing. Even though they are married and have Mary it is still really cute.

Mary runs up to Harry and he picks her up.

"Hey kiddo" He said.

"Uncle Hazza mummy and daddy are kissing again" she complains.

"It's ok my mummy and daddy kiss too" Says Darcy.

"Yeah they do" Mario agreed.

"So does mine" said Beau running over to us.

Harry and I just laughed. They were so cute.

All of our kids got along really well since they were pretty much the same age. They were really cute when they were together and they were always playing hide and seek with Hazza, Lou, Nialler, Li, Zaynie, Stany and Joshy.

Those boys still acted like children even though they were like 23-26 years old.

We walked out of the airport after the boys had signed a few things for the fans and the boys were running out of the airport with the kids following.

I was talking to Ella about how crazy they were when Niall yelled out..


We all yelled out yeses or ok and piled into our own cars following Jazi and Niall in their car to Nandos.

Once we got there we all sat down at a very very long table and Josh and Flo were smiling like maniacs.

"Guys we have some news.." Josh let his sentence trail off.

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