I'm Not Yours To Call Darling

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The voice from the left is a girl who had to leave a friend behind for both of their sake. The voice from the right is the friend she had to leave behind. She still talks to him almost every night in vivid dreams.

"Look up there. There's a little lizard on the roof."

"What roof? We are in a field."

"We're in a dream, aren't we?"


"Isn't it funny how we see different things now?"

"We used to see the same dreams..... maybe that explains why we haven't gotten along this year."

"What's it like for you? Is it as beautiful as it used to be?"

"It's not the same. Although, I'm not saying it's bad. It's just painfully unfamiliar. I'm in a meadow with tall grass and bright moonlight. I'd give anything to make it feel like a memory."

"Everything I see is really plain. We're staring at the edge of a rooftop laying on a concrete driveway. I'd give anything to lose myself like you can. It feels like I'm stuck in this repeating memory."

"That sounds nicer to me."

"Yeah, but, I want a new beginning. I want to cut my hair and my ties to the past. I can't wait to run."

"I remember you used to want to find a home. What happened to that version of you?"

"I guess she fizzled out when you left for that while. I didn't need you or my old self anymore."

"Then why are you here still and thinking about me? I'm not worth your time."

"I want you. If only you knew how lovely you are so you can finally understand why."

"Then I'm just in your way."

"Why do you think it's been so tough for me lately? Even so, I'd rather be here with you than anyone else."

"I'm not going to complain, cause you know I need you."

"You really don't."

"What do you mean?"

"You don't need to need me. That's so bad for you."

"The old you would've just smiled about feeling that important to someone."

"The old me also got hurt too much by you."

"What if I could promise it'd never happen again?"

"Even if I could trust you... the new me would never be enough."

"I- I wish we could go back to the past. It's dark out here, darling."

"I'm not yours to call darling anymore. Ugh... I wish I could stop dreaming about you."


Feel free to critique me on this! I neeeeed to improve. I've been playing around with dialogue lately, but I think I'm starting to get the hang of it. :)

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