Chapter 1

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Travis Stoll: The blue-eyed, curly haired brunette that had girls falling at his feet half the time and chasing after him with weapons the other half. Most commonly recognised and referred to as 1/2 of The Stolls.

Katie Gardner: The green-eyed, brown-haired Demeter girl who was sweet as honey three-quarters of the time and a whirling tornado the other quarter. Most often found in the strawberry fields or doing anything that had nothing to do with the Stolls.

So what did they have in common? Absolutly nothing. Unless you count being unknowingly in love with each other, which they didn't. So if they had nothing in common, how did they end up in that twisted mess of lies? Katie will guarantee it was Travis' fault and Travis will insist it was Katie's fault for his idea. So either way, it's Travis' fault.

Sounds bad enough, right? Well, throw in water balloons, a carton of eggs, nosy siblings, awesome-yet-slightly-insane-friends, and a new step mother. Oh yeah....and A LOT of jealousy. Now, it sounds bad! Did I mention this was only the first week?

Any normal person would have gone crazy with these circumstances. But demigods aren't normal....

Impossible? I Think Not: A Tratie storyWhere stories live. Discover now