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After stepping through the creaking metal gates, they closed behind me. I started to walk up the rest of the driveway, but realized I should have just stayed in the Uber because I couldn't even see a house from here.

But then, after a few minutes, I saw it. Although, "house", wasn't really the best word for it. What stood before me was an elegant mansion, adorned with a scrolling ivy and surrounded by a lush garden. It was absolutely breathtaking.

As I reached the front door, I lifted my hand up to the large brass knocker. Knocking a few times, I waited, until the heavy wooden door was opened to reveal what seemed to be a maid.

"Bonjour mademoiselle, you are her to see mademoiselle Chloe, no?" She said in heavily accented English.

"Yes, I'm Alexis, a friend of hers," I said, introducing myself.

"Ah yes. She's been expecting you, I'll show you to the parlor where you may wait."

She gestured into the expansive foyer, the light from the massive crystal chandelier reflecting across the gleaming marble floors.

I followed her to the left, where she guided me to a beautiful living room. Velvet chairs in soft pastels surrounded the cozy yet sophisticated room, and the gilded accents of the room caught the light of the fire burning softly on the ornate fireplace. Seriously, this place was a literal palace.

"Mademoiselle Chloe should be here shortly, may I interest you in a beverage while you await her? Some champagne perhaps?"

"Oh, I'm okay thank you though," I replied, smiling at her.

"Okay, make yourself at home," she said with a final nod before exiting the room.

I was scared to even sit in the chairs, as they looked like valuable antiques, but I gently perched myself on the edge of a soft blue couch.

I hadn't even been waiting two minutes, when I heard footsteps echoing down a staircase.

"Alexis?" I heard, obviously coming from Chloe.

"I'm in here!" I said, and soon I saw her.

She came into the living room, and cast me a bright smile.

"I'm so glad you're here!" She said, "I've been so lonely!" And embraces me in a hug as I raised myself off the couch.

"I'm glad to be here!" I said, returning the embrace, "though I must say I wasn't quite expecting this," I gestured to the opulent surroundings with a laugh.

"I know, I know, but I didn't really know what to say I guess," she giggled, "welcome to my father's house in France I guess." She finished, giving a shrug.

"Well it's beautiful, really, do you guys stay here often?" I asked as she began to lead me back out towards the foyer.

"Eh not really, my parents are always traveling some place or another for work so they just stop in at the houses for a little hit here and there."

Houses? Geez what do they do for a living?

"Oh I see," I said.

Chloe grabbed my hand to continue leading me through the house, "I'll give you a quick tour," she said.

We walked around, and Chloe showed me the numerous rooms one the first floor, and then the view of the pool and gardens out back. But then, she brought me back around to the front entrance, and towards a wide marble staircase.

"Showing you all the upstairs would take a while and it's pretty boring because it's mostly bedrooms," Chloe said, "but I'll show you to my room now!"

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