Letter No.3!

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~ To Present Self Nandini~

This letter is to the one who is lost. To you, who has lost its way and blindly follows what others do. Stop. I know it's easy for me to say, but hard for you to implement; for you adjust yourself in this society.

Where is your individuality lost? Didn't I say that don't follow people, rather work to be someone whom the people follow. Then why do you constantly change your likes and dislikes as per what others like?

It's my fault I accept. For if I had known that any decision of mine, makes you lose me; the real you, your originality; I would have never been so carefree while taking decisions.

I feel like I am burning in the fire of regret.

Regret for not letting you pursue half of the dreams which you thought. I kept quite back then and now those dreams of yours are all left unfulfilled. And all I feel is regret rushing down my veins.

Do not chase people. Haven't you heard the saying that, “The people who want you would stay no matter what the situation is.”
Never feel low of yourself. The right people would be there no matter what happens.

You are bound in the cage of expectations.
Do not let it suffocate you. Just break the cage, and fly. You deserve to fly high, free bird.

Also, start loving yourself. Self love heals all. Start smiling more. Start appreciating things. Start finding happiness in small things.

We're all a chaotic mess. It's just that some eyes just see beauty.

You, my girl, are precious. Your smile is worthy to be shown to everyone. You are a girl who is capable of creating her own road. So go walk the road as if you own it.

It's high time girl. Stop pleasing others. And by pleasing, I mean stop doing things as per their accord. Follow what you think is right. Your thoughts matter. Every word spoken by you matters. You matter.

Maybe I don't exist anymore for the world, but for you, I do. Always. You don't need to search for me. Just,

Look into the place where your
reflection hides,
That is the place where me, the real
you resides~

The real you.


So heya people! Nisshha is back!✨
And this time hopefully with some good content.
Hope you people like it!
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And all criticism is welcomed.
Feel free to comment everything that you found wrong.
And if you want something, then please let me know so that I write on it.

Till then signing off

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