Chapter Three: Warmth

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Seokjin is working on something when Jungkook descends from the third floor, countless pill bottles scatters around the computer desk. The doctor looks like he is adding something into something else. Jimin and Namjoon are nowhere to be found. The doctor is so focus he barely hears Jungkook's approaching footsteps.

"What are you doing?" Jungkook questions. His eyes notices an empty bottle lying on the floor. Jungkook takes it and returns it to the desk, earning a thank you from Seokjin.

"Trying to come up with something," the doctor closes his eyes and lightly massages the bridge of his nose. Stressed is written clearly on his forehead. "But then I actually need his age, his weight, and an actual disease if he had one. From his condition now, it is all too vague." It is weird to see Seokjin stressing over something, especially over medical related subjects. The doctor usually has every single medicines and procedures memorized like the back of his hand.

"What about the medications he usually takes?" Seokjin shakes his head as an answer before replying verbally.

"They are still too general, and one is not even a medication. I need to know whether he took the antidepressants for actual anxiety or to ease chronic pain conditions. While for the iron supplements, whether he is going through hemodialysis cycle or is actually taking it for iron deficiency anemia or maybe-" Seokjin does not even realize he is getting faster and faster as he spokes. The doctor slows down when he runs out of breath. "Sorry, you probably-"

"No. Keep going." Jungkook adores the doctor, a lot. Not because Seokjin is a good fighter, he only knows some basic moves to survive a fist fight or a kidnapping, he is weak; nor is the doctor a good businessman, the man either speaks his medical jargons or tells corny dad jokes. He adores the doctor simply for his ability to let himself be real. Seokjin might be working for a criminal group, but unlike others, it doesn't stop him from feeling, from being vulnerable, from being weak, from falling in love. Jungkook often blames it on his occupation which requires the doctor to save people's lives, but he quickly learnt that he was wrong.

"Forget it, Jungkook. You should go back. I'll stay the night here, in case he decides to wake up." Jungkook wants to protect but doesn't. He is about to leave Seokjin alone, taking his first step down the stairs when he remembers the other two.

"Namjoon and Jimin?" The younger interrogates. "Convenience store. Coffee and snacks, they are staying too." Jungkook contemplates his decision of going home. He really wants to stay, but he also already has had enough for today. The boss continues walking down the stairs. "He is anemic," a sentence echoes through the second floor, disappearing as Seokjin hears someone walking out the building.

It is still loud outside. Normal, considering the location. But Jungkook doesn't like it. Not because he dislikes being in a loud place, no, he has another reason, the same exact reason why he had walked a little bit faster in the casino today; and Jungkook considers to move the office.

Yoongi decides to wake up.


Yoongi is warm. Yoongi feels warm. It is the warmest he has ever felt eversince he left home. Someone is holding him. He misses it. It reminds him of-

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